This really is not quite a credit issue but I know a lot of people here have had luck suing in small claims court. Has anyone here ever sued Paypal for keeping their money? I am considering trying it. Paypal has a major scam going on. They can freeze your account at anytime for no reason. They say that they are not sure who you or someone in another country logged into your account (they can never tell you when or where) and to fax in all of your personal information (which they already have too much of to begin with) once you fax it in, they say it will take a few days. If you call them they say they cannot help you because for your protection your account has been frozen and to fax in your info again. If you ask for a manager one will never call you back. It is a never ending shell game while they have free use of your money. Paypal will not even let you close your account or have the money returned to where it came from. they are clearly in possible violation of several laws, (racketeering, conversion, wire-mail fraud, theft etc.) no matter what their user terms state. I know I am not the only one, it is all over other message boards etc., the same stories over and over how they keep your money and will not give it back to you. I have uncovered much more doing a little research now that they are a public company, just curious if anyone here has gotten their money back?
Tim, some of us here had the old which then turned into paypal. they got to be hassle because they started with low intetrest lines of credit and free checking and Titanium Visa! But as the $$ squeeze happened, we saw people lose their credit lines, get funds delayed, etc, being slow was the main complaint...... I would send them a certified letter register return receipt stating EXACTLY what you NEED for them to do!....... best regards- dogman
tim, i had the same issue with the pay pal. I already send them 4 faxes and they never did get back with me. Still they have to pay me $10.00 . Well $10.00 is nothing, but still that is my money . I asked them to return my money to my account and they said that tehy have to verify me. This is very bull. thanks akm
amazing how eveybody gets FAST - RESPONSIVE - POLITE - service ....when the DEPOSIT MONEY.... aarrroooo - dogman
I have had frozen my Paypal account from two months ago for no reason. I have faxed and mailed copy of ID, Bank Statement, Cr card statement and still no luck. I think that they just ignore the faxes. Anyway I have 0 balance and don´t have any intention to use that account anymore!!.
This thread has caught my interest since I just signed up for a PayPal account last night. I am thinking of selling some things on ebay. Now, after reading some of the stuff out there on the web bashing PayPal, I'm worried. My biggest question is, why is their BBB listing not rated poorly???
Well im not an avid paypal user... I use to play ultima, everquest, anarchy etc... I have sold a few accounts that i got bored with from those games and have never had a problem using paypal... just wire to my bank account an it was always in the bank 3 to 4 business days later... I only used paypal maybe 6 or 7 times though...
The June issue of SmartMoney had a 3 page article about problems with PayPal. Here are some excerpts: "Left Out in the Cold" By Stephanie Williams and Eleanor Laise "It's enough to make some former Pals want to sue. But as exasperated customers soon discover, they can't. According to that user agreement, custmers can only go to arbitration. And that arbitration can happen in only one place: Santa Clara County. Some folks are angry enough to try their luck in court anyway; two class-action suits were filed against the company early this year. In the meantime consumers are flooding the internet with their frustrations on sites such as and" "This lack of recourse leaves some folks thinking lawsuit. But Section II, Item 19 of the user agreement, the infamous arbitration clause, stipulates that conusmers who have a dispute with the company can't sue PayPal. Ans as Wilkes-Barre, Pa., lawyer Richard Manning found our, that clause can be ironclad. His saga began with a $10 overpayment to his small antiques business. Manning's attempts to reimburse the $10 led to the freezing of his PayPal account, which led him to file a lawsuit, Item 19 notwithstanding. But the Pennsylvania court upheld the user agreement - he'd have to go to Santa Clara County for arbitration. Seventy-seven years old and facing facing serious health problems, Manning packed it in." "His [Manning's] experience suggests that the two recently filed class-action suits might be lost causes. But Eric Gibbs, the lead partner on one of the cases, believes California law will be more favorable to his clients."
Hi I also sell on ebay , have been for 2 years now, I have not had any problems with paypal, I like the convenience of getting my money faster and they are cheaper then billpoint although I have them to.