Need help with a paid Judgement

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Fuba, Jun 3, 2002.

  1. Fuba

    Fuba Well-Known Member

    I got a paid judgement on all 3 CRpts. I'm in NJ. I don't know who is reporting this. Perhaps the state? Anyone have any ideas on how to handle this? It came back as verified more than once. I live in the same place and wont be moving anytime soon, so the change of address plan won't work. It will be listed for 5 1/2 more years. Whats the sense of listing a paid judgement anyway? I can see an unpaid, but this is stupid!
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    1) contact court clerk where judgement was rendered and get legal notice of payment of judgement (documentation). Ask them how they respond to CRa inquiries

    2) When you dispute with cra's, ask for procedural descriptions. you did not say if there was any errror on the cr regarding this account, but either way, the cra must respond to procedure requests or delete.

    3) use the lack of respons to procedure request and resulting fcra violation to ask for deletion of the accounts with threat of lawsuit.

    hope this helps!
  3. Fuba

    Fuba Well-Known Member

    What is "procedural descriptions"? I know my county is not reporting this, I think it's on the state's computer files. What am I getting from the CRA's when I ask for this? To they often comply, or just answer with "this item was verified"
  4. Fuba

    Fuba Well-Known Member

  5. mswindy8

    mswindy8 Member

    i have the same exact problem.

    i had a judgement that was listed as unpaid when it was really paid. disputed that it came back verified/paid so they changed it on Equifax to satified judgement/verified 5/02 but that only gave me a 20 point bump.

    what is the change of address method. i have moved several times since then so it might work.

    any other thoughts appreciated.
  6. Fuba

    Fuba Well-Known Member

    Uniondiva, a few questions

  7. sl1029

    sl1029 Well-Known Member

    Re: Uniondiva, a few questions

    The "procedurial request" (I believe) is not just asking the CRA's to verify the information - it's asking them to tell you exactly how they did this - and some have found them to be less likely to respond to this than to verification requests - giving you an opportunity to file a lawsuit against them with the intention of getting them to agree to stop reporting it.

    Is getting the person/company that sued you in the first place to agree to vacate the judgment a possibility?

    THe address trick is to dispute off your credit report the "previous address" that corresponds to the one you were living at when judgment was obtained. Wait for that to fall off and then dispute the judgment. The service the CRA's use to collect judgment information has to match two of three of these: Name, Address, Social Security #. Usually your judgment does not include your Social.

    I read about this here and was able to get a judgment removed from Equifax last month this way.
  8. lilgong

    lilgong Well-Known Member

    Re: Uniondiva, a few questions

    quick question, how old was your judgement, that got removed,,
  9. sl1029

    sl1029 Well-Known Member

    Re: Uniondiva, a few questions

    2 or 3 years old

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