Capital One Monkeys....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dogman, Jun 3, 2002.

  1. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    are cute on those commercials...first they were throwing the party in the jungle, now they are running
    a high interest bank - LOL!

    aarrrffff - dogman
  2. steve

    steve Well-Known Member

    I especially like those working in the Prime 8 Finance dept. I didn't notice this till I saw the commercial a number of times. The snake at the end isn't bad either. IMHO, best Cap One commercial so far.
  3. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    hven't seen that one part steve - sounds fun
    later - dogman

    Prime 8 - I friggin love it LOL hehehe - Ill watch
  4. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Hi Dogman. The monkeys are probably Providian executives who are charging customers the sky high 29.9 APR. I seen the commercial during a Fear Factor episode. Very funny commercial !!!! Providian was the first thing that came to my mind when I seen all those monkeys counting all that money.
  5. SisterGirl

    SisterGirl Well-Known Member

    I love that commercial....they played it over & over during the NBA playoffs.

    Sister Girl
  6. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Hi kids! HOT in California today - hell its 65 in San Fran and I have my deck doors open - beautiful!

    You have to admit, after all the financial unsettled failures, Cap One keeps on being more and more of a bet for the future.

    Prime 8 - too much LOLOL!

    aarrff - dogman
  7. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member


    I actually, occasionally, have caught myself singing it in my head as I use my Cap1 Plat cards ;)

    I LOVE their commercials!!!!!

    65 degrees huh dog? We're already at 80 something this morning and it feels like 90 something... I'm heading to Vegas this weekend where it'll probably be 110 something... but worth it!
  8. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    93 here, hot mama today
  9. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    I can give you my Harrahs Diamond Card number or my Bellagio number - if you need to earns points for the Dog -

    jungle boogie - jungle boogie!

    aarrffff - dogman
  10. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Don't forget to throw a chip down on black 4 <just call it a hunch LOL...>
  11. SisterGirl

    SisterGirl Well-Known Member

    If you are going to Harrahs's,I have a $150.00 coupon I can mail you for table/slot play.

    I will not be using it prior to 7/31/02(exp date).

    Sister Girl
  12. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I haven't seen that commercial, but now I will have to look for it. I love Cap One! Mr. Cooke came through for me today so everything is combined onto my Dolphin Sunrise Platinum card. Woohoo!!! He's da bomb! I was going to pay off and close my KMart card, but he lowered my interest rate from 18.9 to 13.9 so I'm going to keep it :) 13.9 isn't too bad of a rate for me right now. 12.9 to 14.9 is about what I think I deserve. In another 6 months or so, I hope to be down to the 9.9 to 12.9 range on all of my cards though. ~~~doing the "no more subprime for me" boogie~~~

  13. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Actually, I am going for an interview so I won't play as much as you think... now that I'm recovering from the accident I'm trying to get back into the swing of things...

    I love the casinos but am not that much of a gambler... .05 slots ;)

    But I'll tell the person going with me to gamble for you all! (The company is paying for a Saturday night stay so the flight is cheaper Birmingham to LAS) so I'll have Sat free...

    and to answer your already lurking questions, yes, Birmingham... possible relo (yuck) so I've been looking at apts... but the company is great and out of Vegas so I'm hoping a temp stop in Alabama will lead to Las Vegas in a year... and that would mean no state income taxes (go Nevada)
  14. marci

    marci Well-Known Member


    Drop me an e-mail for any advice on the relocation. :)
  15. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Vegas is a boomin town. That is my single most place that I love to visit and I stress the word VISIT! Although, I have had several friends move there and they are doing just fabulous. They all have nice houses, have great jobs (some casino related and others non). It's unbelieveable.

    I couldn't imagine living there with my kids. The thought of them answering the phone and telling someone that Mommy is over at the Luxor playing craps is way too much for my tastes. ROFL...
  16. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Of course all the Vegas residents don't gamble - right - aarrfff - doggin dogman
  17. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Marie - the thing about .05 slots is that you could put up to 45 / 90 or 180 coins per pull. My slot startegy is always play MAX LINES (9) then at least 3
    per line.

    If you do not play all lines, you don't get to the bonus screens!

    Yes, I have done this before LOL!

    jungle boogie - doggin dogman
  18. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Hey Dogman...

    Maybe you should "snap" up a quick flight to Vegas!
  19. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    I've got miles available and it is only 1 1/2 hr flight from SF -
    jungle vegas boogie - dada dada dadan

    aarrfff - dogman

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