Just in case someone's missed this site: http://www.ProSeLitigant.Net It's a definite bookmark. Doc P.S. In case someone doesn't know, that site belongs to whyspers!!! What a great job!
I love this site!! i visit regularlu, but whyspers, it will not let me post for some reason. a great source of information. it really helped me prepare for my court battle, even though i filed in small claims vs. federal.
Thank you Diva, you have to register at the board itself and not just with the site. You don't have to register at the site at all, but when you try to post, you would need to register a member name there whether or not you already registered at the site (has to be complicated...lol). I think the link is in the top right hand corner of the message board. Just select a user name and password and you should be all set. I'm glad its useful. If you are looking for anything specific that you would like to see posted, let me know. I can pull from New York State cases and Federal cases. L