What laws protect consumers from inaccurate late remarks on credit reports. Anyone have a good letter for removal. I do not need a good will adjustment, I know they WILL NOT do it she has tried that route. She claims she is sure that the payments were late but not 30 days.
I don't have the letter offhand, but I had a similar situation. I demanded they to send me a letter stating the due dates and the dates the account was paid. Not one was more than 30 days late. Account was deleted.
well they are not deleting hers. They sent her a copy of the payment history, but she is sure that these are not correct. They are going by the date her checks cleared the bank, not the day that they got them.
ohnostuck, It's the Fair Credit Billing Act that is part of the Truth in Lending Act that addresses posting of payments. I'm not sure it will help you once they are already reported though, it says in a nutshell you have to submit a written dispute within 60 days of the statement that contains the error. I don't know why you couldn't say that it's a violation of your rights under that act anyway and request the evidentiary documentation it allows for. Summons the big doggies of the board or dr. bombay, LOL, that's lizardking. Under the same act, they're supposed to give you notice of your dispute rights, if you never received them or they don't want to take that chance you could probably get them to play ball. There really should be something between a mistake and it ending up on your CR's, oh wait, NO, that would mean someone besides ourselves would have to be responsible, WHAT a thought ;-). Sassy
ohnostuck, I'm thinking you could modify the following letter pretty easy to your situation. Sassy Date Name of Creditor Street Address City, State Zip Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing for verification of credit information that has been reported to the credit bureaus. I am requesting this information per the Fair Credit Reporting Act which requires that information of a derogatory nature must be accurate and verifiable. Please supply me with an audit of the account listed below. The audit must reflect when the payments were due and when they were received which caused the rating to occur. The information in question is as follows: Account No.: _________________ Rating: _________________________ Sincerely yours,
ohnostuck They are going by the date her checks cleared the bank, not the day that they got them. ========================== They can't do that as a payment can only be made prior to that date.
?'S re OC late pays You think this is bad, wait till you get hit with 2 late charges for failing to pay on a 0 balance!