I've got a copy of my TU report (from my tri-merge). It has a Hawk Alert on it. It says: Input Current Address has been used (68) times in the last 60 days on different inquiries. Being a vicitm of ID Theft!!! This makes me worry! Can someone PLEASE tell me what the hell this could be????
It just means the total amount of times your credit report was pulled, including any soft inquiries from you. One time when I was pulling worthknowing every day it said it something like that but it was more like 90 times in the past 60 days.
The thing of it is.... I haven't pulled my CR (like worthknowing of anything). I can't see that many soft inq. in that short amount of a time! Also.... why would they put a Hawk alert on that???
Oh! I just assumed that's what it was (cause they had done it to me). Well now I'm stumped, they just put a hawk alert on me, "address doesn't match one on file" well of course it won't I just moved!
I just moved too. So the address they are talking about isn't even mine anymore. I think I'm going to contact them and find out what's going on. I'll keep you updated!