Hey all, Awhile ago, someone convinced me that soft inquiries hurt your score. After Doc's Trick I don't believe this anymore (multiple soft inquiries deleted with no score increase). So I'm wondering if anyone knows a way to opt back in. I have been fairly successful at repairing my credit (from low 5's to 640's) and would like to get some pre-approved offers in order to get more credit. thanks scott
I WON'T OPT-OUT... I think I have received BETTER OFFERS with PRM than just applying with-out PRM... I would think you could OPT-IN by calling EXPERIAN, TRANS UNION, and EQUIFAX... I called and made sure I was NOT on the OPT-OUT list since it had been a long time since I got any PRM offers...
I thought this would help my score as well, so I opted out. Thinking about opting back in since it didn't help my score and has already hit Equifax. L
Ok...I've got a brain-lock...I remember a URL to Opt-Out. Anyone got that address? I'd like to Opt-In online...
Ok I called creditExpert and the rep said he didn't know of any way to do it, but he gave me the original opt out number and said for me to try it. I tried it and was about to hang up when it gave me the option to opt back in. So the number is 1-888-567-8688. At the end of the call it was talking like I had just opted out again, but I think this was just an automated error. scott
I think you can do it online if you are Credit Watch subscriber...just click EDIT MEMBER PROFILE...and choose between OPT-IN and OPT-OUT.
I just OPTED back IN. I was thinking about putting up this thread earlier today. Press 2 to OPT IN. Charlie