Back when the race was on for the KMart Gold cards, I naturally obtained mine. Now I'm thinking I might have been too hasty. My hubby kept getting the KMart Gold offers, but passed on them. Then he recently received an offer for the KMart platinum. It came today with a $6,000.00 cl. I sure wish someone could explain to me how no one will approve him except DMB and Cap One, but THEY give him such relatively high limits seeing as his bk 7 was in '98. L
Same thing happened to me... I got the Kmart Gold in April and the Kmart Platinum (same $6k limit) offer in mid-May. They declined my application w/o pulling an inquiry since their system flagged them due to last credit grant being within 90 days. The CSR told me to apply again in July. Try applying after 90 days of receiving your last credit from Cap1.
Did he actually received the 6 k limit card or you are talking about the offer only. I also received the 6k platinum KMart MC offer but I have not sent any application yet.
Geo, he actually received the card today and the cl was a total of 6K...1K Kmart only and 5K anywhere for a total of 6K. I don't know what CRA they pulled, but if they do their usual thing, they pulled from all three. I was going through my old decline letters and actually found an offer that had been sent to me for the same card. I don't really care for the KMart card though, and only kept the gold because Mr. Cooke lowered my apr a few days ago. I think I'm going to pass...besides...somehow I don't get the feeling that I would get the 6K L