Doc's most excellent trick yet

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Nave, Jun 6, 2002.

  1. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Sorry for the mis-direction but I needed eyes and this title was the best I could get (LOL Doc):

    I posted this in the "Class Action Lawsuit" thread and it was not yielding the results I needed before this weekend, so:


    We had a great discussion. He is VERY interested in all the facts I had and is going to do some research into this. He needs to find out if the FCRA precludes class action suits, he needs to determine whether a cause of action has occured, and he needs the evidence I have. Apparently since the FCRA spells out the statutory amount, and the rights for individuals to sue, he thinks there may be a restriction(s) to class action suits. We will find out. He will read up on this over the weekend and get back to me further next week.

    Meanwhile I need a few things from those of you that have them...I need to gather evidence about ALL of these topics to send him. So if you have any documented evidence of:

    1) TU "like" letters saying "Inquiries are a matter of record we do not dispute them" - from TU, Eq or Ex.

    2) Letters from the CRA's saying "we investigated, we refuse to re-investigate"

    3) Items deleted and no validation requested

    4) dispute wrong balance, whole item gets deleted

    5) re-insertion without notice

    6) Marie any info on how you found out TU system CAN NOT mark items in dispute.

    7) ANY evidence on how your scores you saw was NOT the score you got when you applied for credit (one possible Fair Isaac action item).

    Let me know...keep in mind it must be clear evidence, not just speculation or insinuation.

    Post a note here with the type of evidence you have (do not duplicate others posts of similar evidence, as I will only need 1 example of each) and I will post a note asking to send it to me via email. You can then send it to me with all personal information removed.

    8) LKH he asked me for something I know you have....but I can't think of it now and it appears I did not write it down...but something I know you have evidence of....I will email you about it after work (no time to sit and remember it now)

    Well thats it for now...Hopefully after I get him the evidence of things above, and he reviews the FCRA, we may have something here.

    -Peace, Dave
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I just moved, but I am almost positive I kept ALL my CRA stuff, IF I have it all I will have:

    1. Letter from EQU saying they do not investigate inquiries.

    2. Score from a mortgage lender showing TU and EXP score different than the one I see, EQU was dead on.

    3. Letter from EXP saying we already investigated.

    I'll have to go through my files when I get home from work.

    BTW, clever topic...hehehe
  3. matt_r

    matt_r Well-Known Member

    I've got a TU inquiry letter and also a TU frivilous letter, but I'm not sure that would apply becaue I disputed the same trade for the same reason twice (oopsies). I've also got scrren prints of the confirmation pages when disputing them on TU's website. Let me know if they're needed.

    Thx, Matt.
  4. Kinetix

    Kinetix Well-Known Member


    You might consider working with Christine over at Bayhouse, she has posted at the forum about her multi-million suit against the CRA's, I believe she is going at it alone but with your combined efforts I'm sure you guys would definetly grab some attention. It seems that you both are going after the same issues, hope this helps.
  5. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I've seen opinions on Lexis from class action lawsuits under the FCRA.

    I have two letters from TU and one from EXP saying that inquiries are a matter of fact, and the one from EXP saying it is their policy not to investigate inquiries.

    I have a letter from EXP refusing to reinvestigate.

    Not sure what you mean on number three.

    I've had items reinserted on both Equifax and TransUnion without notice.

    No real evidence, but my TU score showed to me was 662 and Generations told me the score they got was 598.

  6. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    KHM Thanks I will email you for them.

    Matt, I have that letter, but keep it for later when (hopefully) you will need it as evidence :)

    Kinetix, I noticed the Bayhouse thread and will contact Christine...thanks

    Whyspers, I will email you for that Exp letter...and #3 meant - When you send the CRA's a dispute for items A, B, and C...and they delete items F, and G ... TU for instance deleted several positive trades when I disputed only negs.

    Thanks everyone, if you have any of the rest, I want to send something to him soon.

    -Peace, Dave
  7. ted75

    ted75 Well-Known Member

    I have the following...let me know how I can help...

    1) TU "like" letters saying "Inquiries are a matter of record we do not dispute them" - I'VE GOT TONS OF THESE LETTERS FROM TU AND EFX...NONE FROM EXP.

    2) Letters from the CRA's saying "we investigated, we refuse to re-investigate" - I'VE GOT ABOUT 4 LETTERS LIKE THIS FROM ALL 3 CRAs.

    4) dispute wrong balance, whole item gets deleted - 5 EXAMPLES OF THIS. ALL 3 ARE GUILTY.


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