Help a Sista' out! (long)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by uniondiva, Jun 6, 2002.

  1. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Okay, I'm checking my TU report. because everybody around here pulls tu.

    right now I expect to have three deletions in the next 30 days (two collections accounts and one paid student loan, that is listed as a collection account)

    My only negs will be as follows:

    First nat'l bank
    cancelled by credit grantor
    verified 3/02 balance 0
    opened 12/99 most owed $633
    closed 11/01
    in prior 30 months forom date closed 1 time 90 days, 3 times 60 days and 4 times 30 days late
    max delinquency occurred 3/2000

    updated 3/02
    opened 4/99
    status: paid or paying as agreed
    in prior 19 months 1 time 30 days late

    verified 4/2002
    balance 598
    opened 08/98
    most owed 878
    status unrated
    max deliquency of 60 days occured in9/2000

    two positive accounts
    capital one opened 2/2002

    belden jewels opened 09/88 (oldest account)

    I know I need to get the first national bank account deleted and am sending the son of a nutcase letter tomorrow. I figure i can ask providian and mortage company for good will adjustments

    What else? anything?

    Do I need to open another cap one or just pfb for an increase and unsecured line (it is secured right now, so is providian)
  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Be it a cap 1 or any other, I think you need at least 1 if not 2 new accts. Maybe even open one of those secured loans for $500 - $1000 and pay it off over 6 mos to a years time.
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    thanks, i really should have thought of that.

    I am thinking amalgamated bank secured card
    credit union secured loan.
  4. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Have you tried to dispute Providian? I have found that they are fairly easy to dispute. I got a chargeoff deleted on the 1st round of disputes on 2 CRA's, the other on the 2nd round. Charlie

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