Subject: Effective July 1st your credit info will no longer be >confidential... > > > >Subject: Effective July 1st your credit info will no longer be confidential >unless you opt out! Your privacy is at risk! > > > >Just wanted to let everyone know who hasn't already heard, >the four major credit bureaus in the US will be allowed, starting July 1, >to > >release your credit info, mailing addresses, phone numbers, etc., to anyone >who requests it. If you would like to 'opt out' of this release of your >info, >you can call 1-888-567-8688. It only takes a couple of minutes to >do. >Once the message starts you'll want option #2 (even though >option #1 refers to this E-mail) and then option #3 - Be sure to listen >closely, the first option is only for a two-year period. >Make sure you wait until they prompt for the third option, >which opts you out forever. >I received their paperwork in the mail confirming my >'opting out" within less than one week of making the call. >PASS THIS MESSAGE ON TO ALL IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK AND YOUR >PERSONAL FRIENDS who aren't even on a PC........ >Mike
No...if you call the optout hotline, it will tell you all about this email floating around out in cyberspace. L