Help with late pays

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whyspers, Jun 6, 2002.

  1. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Okay, as you know I have one account that is still negatively affecting my score on Equifax.

    It reads:

    Previous Payment History: 4 Times 30 days late; 1 time 60 days late
    Previous Status: 01/97 -I2; 12/96 - I2
    Paid Account/Zero Balance

    Now when I pull it up online, it says

    30 days 12/96, 1/97 2 unknown
    60 days 1 unknown

    I disputed this as never late along with several others. All others were deleted, and this one was updated to what you see above. They deleted a 90 day late that was unknown.

    I then disputed this again as never late several days ago, but suspect it won't be any more successful than the last attempt. I called today to at least try to get the unkowns removed and the lady I spoke with said it didn't matter that the date was unknown and I would have to talk to the bank about that. I asked her when the purge date was if the supposed late date was unknown and she said it was already disputed and there was nothing else she could do. I wasn't at my best in this conversation, so I said bye.

    I can't believe a couple of late pays are giving me such a hard time...after the things I've had corrected, THIS is what is going to remain on my report????? Threatening the bank is not something I'm willing to do, unfortunately. These people have known me since I was born and some of them used to work with my father. I just can't do it :::sigh::: That leaves going after the credit bureau. I'm just not sure of the tact I should take here and could use some input.

    Oh...wanted to add...I was thinking about sending a letter or faxing it to Equifax and saying if they don't have a date to remove the unknowns. I think I could live with the 20 30 day lates from 6 years ago, but I cannot live with the 3 unkown lates!


  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Have you wrote the FTC to get their opinion on this? Maybe if they saw that the FTC considers that incorrect reporting they will cooperate.
  4. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    No, but that's a good idea. Thanks for responding love...I was starting to definately feel unloved around

  5. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    Those are hugs to get rid of that unloved feeling.

    If they are reporting you late but have no date, that's not accurate and it can't be verified.

    Of bigger concern, if there are unknown dates, then those late pays will remain for at least as long as the tradeline does :-(.

    Soooooooo, using a mortgage as an example, 30 years that'll be on my report. But anything derogatory associated with it, like a late pay notation, should age off in 7 years. Without a date attached, it has nowhere to go.

  6. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Why don't you just ask them nicely?
  7. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I might if I have to, but would definately prefer not to. I guess its just the small town girl in me not willing to be the subject of this week's coffee breaks, yanno? Well, maybe you don' I would just prefer to handle it through the CRA if at all possible.

  8. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    I don't care *HOW* small your town is, ain't nobody gonna be talking about a request to remove a couple of 30 day lates from 1996 over lunch. Not unless you live in a David Lynch movie.
  9. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Uhm, thanks for the encouragement, but I know what I'm talking about in this instance, solzy and would just prefer alternatives. Like I a last case, I'll make some phone calls. I don't live there anymore, so its not like I can get my boss to call down and get me a favor, yanno?

  10. DanceRat

    DanceRat Well-Known Member


    Have you *ever* lived in a small town? It has its drawbacks and one of them is everyone talks... if your DOG gets fixed, people dwell over it and your motives.
  11. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    I never understood why anyone called it fixed. WRT Credit yes. Dogs no. Would you be "fixed" after similar surgery? I'd go with broken. Very broken.
  12. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    Does that go for fixed humans too, solzy?

  13. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Wife said I needed to go to the DOCTOR to get "FIXED"...
  14. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I went to the doc and got "fixed" :) I've popped out 3 and I am D.O.N.E!
  15. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Of bigger concern, if there are unknown dates, then those late pays will remain for at least as long as the tradeline does --------------------------sassyinaz
    How when Negs. can only be reported for 7 years???

  16. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Without a date attached, it has nowhere to go.

    Yes it do:
    If it's on there today an it were on there 6-10-94 that's 8 Yrs.
    So the 7 up!

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