Something everyone should know!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by caseybjone, Jun 7, 2002.

  1. caseybjone

    caseybjone Well-Known Member

    For those of you that think I got lost, please read what happened in court in the previous thread:

    One thing everyone should know however is once you serve a CRA with litigation they take your report offline and you can't get a score until the litigation is over. My mortgage broker tried a trimerge and only experian showed up, TU and EQ showed no score.

  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure that's always the case, CaseyBJones. I thought it was initially when I couldn't pull Experian, but it turned out it was the Hawk Alert that prevented me from pulling online. They removed it and got that fixed and now I can. I have a lawsuit pending in federal court against them.

  3. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Something everyone should know!

    I wouldn't be quick to dismiss what Casey said.

    CRA's are infamous for their common use of "fraud" as an excuse to have thing their way.

  4. caseybjone

    caseybjone Well-Known Member

    Re: Something everyone should know!

    I'm not sure it would be fraud. There is nothing in the law that requires a CRA to provide a credit report. He started to tell me why they take it off line, and then thought better of it. Maybe I can get it out of him when I talk to him on Monday.

  5. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Something everyone should know!

    There is also nothing in the law that allows them to discriminate consumers who sued, when issuing their credit reports.


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