Citi Requirements???

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by charlieslex, Jun 5, 2002.

  1. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Marci!!! Hopefully I will get some kind of answer from it :)

  2. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    Whyspers... did they pull experian for you?

    I've been reading the most recent posts about citi and I'm finding they are now pulling Experian or TU. When I applied last year. They pulled EQ for me..
  3. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Yes, absolutely. I am on Citibank's blacklist, and although I have gotten 4 cards from them this year, each time I was auto denied wrt the bad history and had to request special reconsideration.

    But when I applied for the Citi USA card, I was not auto-denied but was approved less than a week later. My TU score was well into the 700's, according to them.

    Citi and Citi USA's credit databases do not overlap.
  4. matt_r

    matt_r Well-Known Member

    I ended up calling Citi to ask for a recon on my Amazon decline...after going back and forth with the cust sevice number provided on, she FINALLY gave me the number for the operations <?> department (I guess they do recons for Citi). For what it's worth, here's the number if anyone is interested: 605-334-3193

    I talked to a lady and explained that it's insane that they declined me due to ONE derog account, that's unrated to boot (it's statused as 'disputed by consumer' right now). Everything else is positive.

    She gave me a BS explanation that unless something """CHANGES""" on my bureau, they can't do a recon (aka the derog goes away). Oh well...not my loss. She also mentioned too many new accounts in past 24 months--I tried explaining that this is normal when someone is trying to establish a comprehensive and extensive credit history, but she didn't buy it. :(

    I swear, once you're subprime, you're always subprime. I'm afraid if I apply for that CitiAA card I will be declined again, sicne they are also CitiSD. What do you think? Not only that, but I have no use for a frequent flyer card with AA since they aren't very big in my town.

    Can you switch to a different citi product after being approved for the AA card? I know I know I know this has probably already been discussed but when you do a search for "CITI" on this board, you get a kagillion hits.

    Later, Matt.
  5. darkdoj

    darkdoj Well-Known Member

    I would send a Planet Feed Back again and ask for a minimal amount of credit. The problem people seem to be having is that they want like 5k or more in credit. Ask for 1-2.5K and go from there. I got a card with a 1k limit and called the day I got the card and got an instant increase of 1.5k more. Get your foot in the door this way and work it to your advantage.

    I was also asked if I wanted to switch cards when I was on the phone with them. They have been very generous with me. I think you might want to give it another try. As far as the miles are concerned, you don't need American Airlines to use the miles. They are good at hotels, car rentals and some restraunts. I used 2000 miles last weekend for a rental car, got free upgrade and 1 day free.
  6. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Yes. Convert the card to the regular non-AA *no annual fee* Platinum Select. That's the whole point of applying for the AA. Easier requirements for approval and the gatway to any card you want from Citi.
  7. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Martysgirl, I think they pulled Equifax. I haven't heard back from my Planetfeedback, but maybe it takes a while.

  8. darkdoj

    darkdoj Well-Known Member

    From past experience, it usually takes less than a week to a week at most to hear back from them via PFB.
  9. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Thank you! I'm used to Mr. Cooke's lightning fast response

  10. matt_r

    matt_r Well-Known Member

    Well I broke down and applied online for the citiAA card. I got the "we'll let you know" response. I'll call the number at the top of this thread Monday to see what can be done.

    After this, I'm taking a 6 month hiatus from applying for credit. It'll be tough, but I'm going to do it. The inquiries are killing me, and I've opened enough accounts lately. But, it's never enough. :)
  11. matt_r

    matt_r Well-Known Member

    I called citi this afternoon and she couldn't do anyhting, but put me in for a sup callback.

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