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TOP TEN credit addict signs

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mark LA, Jun 7, 2002.

  1. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    Top TEN signs you may be a CREDIT ADDICT:

    Your boss left for the day and you quickly start surfing the web - instead of typing into the search engine words like "sex" "porn" or "hot action" - you type "online instant approval credit"

    The new worker you've been flirting with for the past week offers to go out to lunch together - you decline saying you're swamped - and immediately go onto creditnet dot com to check up on George, Doc, charlieslex, breeze, the other, marci, whyspers, dogman, Dave, Saar and all your other buddies from the site.

    You have 8 cards - close to 60K in credit - but you won't rest sleep or eat until you have at least as much credit as wolverine.

    you never throw away any of the credit card offers you receive in the mail - even if they're from Household Bank, Providian or Fleet.

    You start asking people at work how much interest they're paying on their cards - and start explaining ways to get it lowered - even though nobody asked.

    During a conversation you throw in terms like SOL, BDD and PFB and people start giving you strange looks.

    you check your credit reports - all of 'em - ex, eq and tu - three times a day.

    All of the customer service reps at Amex, Bofa and Citibank know you on a first name - hey, howyadoin basis.

    You keep on trying Doc's trick to dispute inquiries on Experian - even though you know it doesn't work anymore.

    In the middle of the night your lover hears you mumbling in your sleep:
    Experian 694 Equifax 682 Transunion 702
  2. donna8284

    donna8284 Well-Known Member

    LOL that sounds so familiar :eek:)~
  3. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    Awesome Mark.

    Here are a couple of additions.

    11. You have a reasonable explanation for the BofA, CITI, and AMEX reps why you need a credit line increase when you have 98% of your credit available.

    12. You keep a copy of your w2, pay stub, and tax returns handy just in case someone might want to see one.

    13. You can't get a copy of your EQ report because you have generated over 3000 soft inquiries in the last 6 months yourself and the file is too big.

    14. You walk around your house muttering "Doc rules"

    15. You look at everyone's credit cards in stores and restaurants for that elusive Platinum card that you don't have yet.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    15. You look at everyone's credit cards in stores and restaurants for that elusive
    Platinum card that you don't have yet.
    I make small talk about the customer's credit cards...(when I have to check)

    I saw only the 3rd AMEX BLUE...other than mine a couple of weeks ago...

    I had somebody in my line that had NO IDEA that NEXT CARD WENT BK!!!
    I asked if she knew who was going to buy our accounts yet...DIDN'T HAVE A CLUE...

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    A few years ago I got a AMEX PLATINUM in my line...WOW...HE spent $300.00 for the PRIVILEGE of paying in full!!!

    I spend $0.00 for the PRIVILEGE of paying in full...
  6. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    You know it has gotten bad when hubby (who doesn't even read creditnet) starts talking to customers about what cards to get and which ones to stay away from (I trained him well). :)

  7. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Very good Mark LA. I was pissed at the world, until that made my day. Thanks. ;) Charlie
  8. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Excellent - well done - hmm - keep old credit card offers huh? Hmmmm...kind of exciting....

    arrfffff - dogman
  9. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    you guys are funnn eeee !!!!

    it really is true, though, about logging onto the board, and being obsessed with the numbers on each CR.

    Before I found the board, didn't know, and didn't know that I should care. And I do feel a link to certain names on the board, always check the thread to see what they have to say. I think I'm an addict. though at this point, I think that's a positive, rather than anything to be concerned about.

    My philosophy for work is that it is work, but it could and must have some "fun" associated with it. I feel the same way about my attempts to get my credit up in the 700's. I am certain there are other places to get information and advice, but I don't see how they would compare to the smiles that the posts bring along with the guidance and counsel.

    thanks to all,
  10. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    16.) You have a dream that your scores went up and wake up to check them!
  11. luxury4me

    luxury4me Well-Known Member

    Another sign of "addiction" may be what I do--- pick up and save credit applications from various stores/banks that I visit (not the ones I get in the mail). Admittedly, it's a kind of weird hobby, but at least it's free and I have been doing it for several years now. I even have some from stores abroad and stores such as Bonwit Teller which are now closed.
  12. Laray

    Laray Well-Known Member

    That was great guys! So true!
  13. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    16. You send your dispute online and when check it the next day, you start cursing wondering why it's taking the CRAs so long.

    17. You check your report to see if they took those accounts off yet and they are still there. You know its been over 30 days so you look for your lawsuit papers. You check the date and it's only been 3 days.

    18. You get up at 6am, check EQ and EX, and go back to bed. (Have to make that 24hour period as early as possible!!)

  14. matt_r

    matt_r Well-Known Member

    These are funny...I'm guilty of most of them. Kindof scary because it seems prefectly normal when I'm doing it...:)

    Here's another:

    19) Apply for credit online, cross all fingers and toes while the screen says "processing your request..." and after getting the 'we gotta take this one offline' message, you immediately check your reports to see who they pulled.
  15. zb1965

    zb1965 Well-Known Member

    20) You keep disputing items on your CR just to keep CRA's busy...we don't give them a break...o yeah...
  16. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    21. You start trying to get other people's scores to go up.
  17. steve

    steve Well-Known Member

    People think I'm crazy when I try to explain the FICO scoring system and how different cards report to the CRAs. Sometimes I take my cards out to appreciate how far I came in the credit game.
  18. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    steve, That makes it all worth it!!! Charlie
  19. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    I'm going to list Steve's sign #22

    #23- family member walks by, sees you on the PC and KNOWS WITHOUT ASKING that you're on the CreditNetters board...she assumes you are doing this rather than paying bills/checking today's horoscope/ordering something unneeded from an enticing email link/downloading the latest James Taylor song (yes, I loved him in the 70's..) /looking for love in all the wrong places...
  20. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Really and truly lol. :) :) :)


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