I just had MORE inquiries deleted from my equifax file. I am down to 2 inquiries, both from my local credit union. I am sorry if I offend anyone, but this deserves a HAPPY DANCE!!! (lol). Gosh, this is just great! I hope they keep cutting them out, lol.
There is no secret. It has been reported here for about 2 weeks that equifax for some reason is deleting inquiries as soon as they become 45 days old. I had 6 inquiries since Jan. 2002. They have removed 5 of them. The only one left is Amex from May 10th. I expect that to be gone about June 25th.
Do you have to dispute these inquiries or something? Or do they disappear on their own? My last ScorePower pull (a few days ago) still had all my hards for the last 2 years... RM
For what it's worth I had a few drop off at about the 6 month mark. They were from November 2001 and dropped off in May 2002. I didn't dispute them; they just disappeared on their own. My inquiry from AT&T from April 9, 2002 (now 60 days old) remains. (I'm still p-oh'd that they pulled a hard inquiry for signing up for a residential long distance plan and would like to see it fall off.) Doc
Doc, the inquiry I had from early - mid April just came off on Thursday. So, maybe yours will fall off in the next couple of days? I was going to call equifax and ask why this is happening, but then decided not to stir it up.
Aha, hope so -- I'll post if that happens. By the way, good idea regarding not stirring things up, lol. Tip for better living: Never ask a punitive authority figure why something good just happened. Believe it or not, I received an email from somebody I won't embarrass who mentioned that they called Experian and asked why Doc's Trick didn't work for them (while the links still worked... gasp). Moreover, there were others who telephoned Equifax who were pissed about not being able to link to the $24.95 deal. I'm beginning to think maybe we should cut back on sharing good fortune publicly on the board. Always an LKH fan, Doc