I just wanted to see - how many of you have sued a collection agency - for whatever reason - and what was the outcome? I am sick and tired of sending the dispute letters for validation and being ignored - or having them tell me that I need to go to the doctor's office, hospital, etc. to get what I am asking for. It is expensive, for one thing, to send all these certified letters. And to send two or three and get no response is really starting to piss me off. I have drafted a letter to one CA in particular that is trying to collect for some old ER visits for my children - and they have ignored both my validation letters - so I am writing them one final time to inform them that I want all collection activity to cease, the items to be deleted, and $1000 - or I will sue them for a lot more. If you have sued a CA - or threatened to - what was the outcome? Did you get any results? Please tell your story here!!!
I sued a CA and won a default judgment against them, was contacted after by their attorney and settled the judgment. I got full deletion and a nice sum of $$.
REALLY? That's great. So, if they don't show up - then you basically get whatever you ask for, within the limits of the law, right? For some reason, collection agencies seem to think they can do whatever they want. I am on a mission to prove otherwise. Thanks, Donna.
This is what validation letters are all about. You WANT them to ignore them. If they responded with adequate validation, what would you do then? By failing to respond and continuing to report the collections to the CRAs they mount up violations which you can sue them for $1000 per violation. This gives you the leverage you need to make them go away. Gib
I sued a collection agency for continued collection activity after failure to provide validation. Upon being served, a short time later I received a letter from the CA apologizing for the inconvenience and saying they would remove the tradeline. I wrote back saying that it was unfortunate that they had chosen not to respond to me prior to the lawsuit being filed, because as I told them in my last correspondence, should I file, I would not settle for just the deletion. I told them if they were interested in settling prior to litigation, to please inform their legal counsel that I was prepared to settle for deletion, $1,000 plus court costs. I told them the offer was open for ten days (tough I know...lol...I was just tired of being ignored for so long). At any rate, I received a phone call from their lawyer shortly thereafter and we settled the very next day. They deleted and I agreed to settle for a mutual release plus $500 for the inconvenience. All and all it worked out well after I got past the intimidation tactics. The full case is at http://www.proselitigant.net. Its the first case posted. Likely could have held out for more, but I got my deletion and I was hot to go after an OC and Experian. L