Next Step Inquiry Deletions??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tac14033, Jun 8, 2002.

  1. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member


    I now received a 2nd letter from a CRA this one being Equifax stating they do not investigate inquiries. I received the 1st one from TransUnion stating the similar bullcrap as Equifax did.

    What now?? RE-send out another letter telling them they had better invesitgate and delete or else suit will follow??

    Has this worked for anyone?

    Heck it seems they didn't either bother to read my letters because they want me to contact the source when I already stated I did and they instructed me to contact and dispute it with the CRA.

    I really want most deleted it is KILLING my score! As you might have guessed when my credit was really poor I applied for alot of credit, mostly when shopping for a car loan.

    These inquiries have added up to say the least.

    Does a second letter work?? Any experiences from anyone out there? or should I just file my lawsuit with the CRA's now.


  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    tac, I just got another denial to dispute inquiries from TU. I have tried from disputing 4 or 5 times: online, snail mail, phone and even filed a complaint with the BBB, that was a joke. I think that next I am going to write the Att Gen and the FTC. The BBB is located on the same street as TU. In regards to EQ, I have had all inquiries removed that I have requested. I live in Texas and we cannot dispute online, because we are with CSC. I call and never dispute more than 2 at a time. A couple of years ago I used to dispute by snail mail and never had a problem, but I think things may have changed. Charlie

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