Re: Who would you guys recommend fo You be the GUINEA PIG... IF EVERYBODY KNEW IT ACTUALLY WORKED...MORE WOULD DO IT...
Re: Who would you guys recommend fo It was ASSUMED it was TURNED OFF, because NOBODY got both with only one inquiry (INSTANTLY)...
Re: Who would you guys recommend fo There is nothing bizarre about it at all. Back in February, members who were attempting the BDD were getting a message similar to (from what I can recall) "we only allow 1 application per x amount of days". Therefore we figured Citi caught on to what was happening, and shut down the back door method.
Re: Who would you guys recommend fo I actually did a search one night looking for what actually occurred. The main catalyst was 1 Guy reported this (he did 4 apps) -- He posted a few months later saying he actually *GOT* the cards in the mail notwithstanding. There were (as I remember) a couple of sketchy reports from folks who got rejected for either. The evidence -- at least what I could find -- was actually pretty thin.
Re: Who would you guys recommend fo I DID IT THE HARD WAY...I wrote the answers on a piece of paper and then had to type all the answers again...somebody suggested you open 2 windows...some answers you can cut and paste... HIT SUBMIT 5 SECONDS APART...I did it 10 min. apart because I had to type all the answers again...
Re: Who would you guys recommend fo The application NOW has "OTHER HOUSEHOLD INCOME"... MORE "BDD" INSTANT APPROVALS!!! If the BDD still works...
Some followups: Ender, have you heard on your BDD? anomaly, have you combined two BofAs? Can you do a BofA BDD -- ie, two applications following one another, one INQ? And, more generally, has anyone tried a modified citi BDD (ie, apply for Gold + Plat rather than Gold + Silver)....anyone know, assuming BDD was NOT in fact broken, would this also result in one INQ or two?
Does Citi turn down someone if they have no negs and 15 or so inquiries? I don't think that their system can do that , can they? They pull TU in Texas. Thanks Charlie