
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by soup, Jun 10, 2002.

  1. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    They pulled equifax on me where I have 0 derogs and a 700 score...denied...sending a letter as to why...I don't get..what do you need to get discovered? I guess I'm getting a little greedy and credit happy...and to think a month ago I said I'd be happy to have at least 1 prime card LOL
  2. steve

    steve Well-Known Member

    # inquiries maybe ???
  3. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Maybe...I don't have too many...who knows, I guess I'll have see their reason...anyone gotten discover lately...are they tough or what?
  4. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    I don't know what their criteria is but they denied me also. I did have some derogs but they were in dispute and my score was over 650.

    Love applied with all of her derogs in dispute and got it.

    It doesn't make any sense. They told me when I have no derogs on my report I can reapply. They even count a late payment as derog.

    They are not worth my time and effort in the credit building process.
  5. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    I guess they don't want new customers....I don't get it...waist of an inq.
  6. CardKid

    CardKid Well-Known Member

    I heard that Discover is hiking their interest rates. Plus, it's not accepted everywhere.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    They give NEW CUSTOMERS 0.00% BT...I get 5.90% and 1.90%...
    They give NEW CUSTOMERS a "GO-TO" 12.99%...I get 13.74%...

    They are changing the CASH BACK PAY OUT...

    For Cardmembers who participate in the Cashback Bonus® Program,
    the award percentage applied to calculate the accrued Cashback
    Bonus award on the total qualified purchases at the end of each
    billing period is as follows:

    .25% (.0025), if the purchase is part of the first $1,500 in
    purchases during the anniversary year, or, if the purchases
    are made at select warehouse clubs or discount stores, and
    .50% (.0050), if the purchase is part of the second $1,500 in
    purchases during the anniversary year, and
    1.0% (.01), if the purchase is part of the purchases in excess
    of $3,000 during the anniversary year

    All purchases made at BJ's Wholesale Club, Costco and Sam's Club
    including any purchases made at these warehouse clubs' Internet
    sites and Wal-Mart (including any Wal-Mart Internet sites) will
    accumulate a fixed rate of .25% (.0025). However, purchases made
    at gas stations at these warehouse club and discount store locations
    will not be subject to this fixed rate and will continue to accumulate a
    Cashback Bonus award of up to 1% based on your annual level and
    type of purchases.

    Please note: Costco has limited Discover Card acceptance.

    IT WAS...
    0.25% for $1,000
    0.50% next $1,000
    0.75% next $1,000
    1.00% everything else

  8. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    So I guess it's no loss (except the inq) that I got denied....

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I only use DISCOVERCARD for BT'S NOW!!!
  10. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    Don't feel bad. I just got denied last month for Discover. They pulled TU on which I had a 772 TU score. Reason was "too many new accounts with balances."

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