Anybdy have success w/ Providian?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by iownsf, Jun 11, 2002.

  1. iownsf

    iownsf Active Member

    I am trying to get one 30 day late from a year ago off my reports and I can't get anywhere. It has been verified twice with all 3 cra's and my many faxes, certified letters and calls have gotten me nowhere. I have used validation and intent to sue with no budging on their part. They sent me two bogus letters saying that what they are reporting is correct and that the matter is closed. If you did something that worked (removed a late, charge-off) can you tell me what you did? Where did you send the letters and do you have any names I can direct them to? I am so frustrated. Thanks for any help.
  2. tinaboo

    tinaboo Well-Known Member

    Have you tried the Goodwill Adjustment Letter. I have had some sucess with it. NOt with Providian, but with others....
  3. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    I think providian is THE worst even though I've only been with them since november...I actually called them last night to try and get an increase or reduced apr..they said if they did anything special for me it would not be "fair" to the rest of their customers...they could cared my zero balance card will be closed 10/31 so I don't incurr the $89 annual fee that they also wouldn't budge on....I've heard it's best to wait til the 1 year mark for scoring...I hope the do go under.
  4. iownsf

    iownsf Active Member

  5. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Listen to this one. They sent a letter saying that for each payment I call in, there will be an $8 charge and if I dont' like it, I have to write them within 15 days and as a courtesy, they will immediately close my account and I can continue to pay them like before. If I don't write in, then they take it that I agree completely with the fee. Also, talking to a rep may get me charged $2 per instance if they want to charge me. I don't really care about the account anymore. I just got this card, trying to build up some credit and I am going to send in the payment and cancel it. Well, maybe I shouldn't cancel it but it's definitely getting cut up!!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    You better send a LETTER so they won't charge you the $2.00 to talk to somebody...
  7. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member


    Stop sending letters. Just sue them.

    Especially if you don't live near them.

    Perhaps you could sue them for violating the FCBA -- you mailed your payment in on x date, they received it on y date, but they didn't post it to your account until 10 (or whatever) days after they received it. (I am assuming that's what happened to you).

    They are evil scumbugs.
  8. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Isn't that the truth!!

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