Does anyone have any suggestions for a student loan account that WAS past due 120 days, currently paid off, but is reporting a current status of 120+days past dueand a zero balance? Also, the DLA reported is 5/1997, but it says that I was 90+ days late in 8/1999, how is that possible? TIA
erica, I ahve the same problem. it is only showing on my equifax report though.l How can it be 120 day if it is paid off? anyway, I am suing equifax and this will be on the lawsuit.
It's reporting this way on TU also, The info I gave came from Equifax. I don't have time to sue anyone, I just want it off. Do you have any suggestions?
Just a thought, but have you tried speaking with anyone at the CRA? I know in most cases it's not good to call a CRA. I had sucess calling EX on one of my student loans. The loan showed a 90 day late in 1/95, and was scheduled to drop off my report sometime in 2003. I said whoa, shouldnt this drop off my report in 2002 because of the 7yr reporting rule. After a conference with her supervisor they deleted the entire account in question along with another one from the same company. Maybe this will work for you? EdG