I was just approved for a citi gold 2,400K limit at 9.9%. I didn't see where I could apply for a SILVER (GEORGE)!! I"M SOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!
Good Luck Erica I just applied online and got the card. I really wanted to try and do the back door thingy! BUT.. I didn't even see a place to apply for a Silver...only a gold.
Congratulations!! The card doesn't actually say SILVER. It is the AAdvantage, but the card is silver. Charlie
Ok.. I applied for the AA Gold. So.. your saying to go look for an AA card that is SILVER??????? The only other AA they had was a PLAT. AA card (that was the name of it).
http://www.citibank.com/us/cards/cardserv/worldcard/aasilver.htm congradulations!!!! that's for silver!!!
Didn't someone post her a while back that they didn't get either card b/c Citi cloaks you when it shows you applying for more than one card? Or something like that??? I wouldn't want that to happen?
OMG.... I JUST TRIED AND I GOT FU&%ING ERROR on the PAGE!!!! Is there anyway I can call and find out?????
try it again! https://www.accountonline.com/INSTANT/Servlet?product=AAdvantage&referral=1XJZA7324000000000W
The second app. just told me they would contact me at my mailing address. It wasn't an instant approval??? I hope I do get one of the cards!!!!
OK.... I just called Citi app debt at 301-733-5501. She told me I would have to wait 3-5 business days b/f she can tell me how many inquiries I got. She also told me that if you apply for more than one card THAT you stand a chance of NOT getting either of them. I told her that I applied 3 times and was worried about 4 or 5 inq for one card due to getting the error on the page. She told me that if you get an error then the app. doesn't go throw. What do you guys think??? Do you think I will get EITHER of the cards now????
Which card did he get? Did he get an instant approval on one and not the other or did he get it on both?
They told me the same crap BOTH times I did the Citi BDD, and both times I got 2 cards. Your first card has already been captured and I'm sure in the "printing" stage. The second card may take a day or 2 before it shows up in their system. Give them this line tomorrow when you call back "I have AOL, and when I went clicked the submit button I got bumped right after, so I went back online to apply again and I got booted again. I was just curious if either app had gone through and if I was approved."