I applied for a home equity loan and the lender gave me my scores: Exp.-Fair Issac Model-654 EFX-Beacon-642 TUC-New Empirica 680 I have a 7 year old chapter 7 and I would like to apply for a few 'prime' cards. I have Capitol One cards with decent rates, a Nextcard with an OK rate, providian with a high limit, but an 18% rate and 2 Cross Country cards and we all know what their rates are. Citibank is out of the question, they were included in the chap. 7 as well as American Express. Would Chase or MBNA even consider me? Or should I do nothing and wait a few years and just keep using what I have. I think my scores will probably go even a little higher after I pay all the balances off. Any thoughts?? Thanks
I would pay down the balances and bring the Beacon score up to 650, at least. Wait a couple months and then apply for MBNA. Their a good prime card, with decent customer service and good CL. And get rid of Providian and Cross Country! Dani
I don't think a FICO of 650 will get you much, at leaste in my own personal experience. I think it was marci who told me that they look for 670 as the magic number. (If it wasn't marci...I'm sorry to whomever posted that). At a 662, the only thing I was able to get was Target Visa and the GM Card. On TU, you might can get Generations bank. That's a nice hidden LOC. L
I heard MBNA auto-denies bk's, no matter how old. I just got out of a BK myself, and could not obtain any prime cards even with scores at or above 700. You could try MBNA, but in my opinion you're burning a hard inq.