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Farm Bureau Visa accounting problem

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dwooley, Jun 6, 2002.

  1. dwooley

    dwooley Well-Known Member

    I send a payment to FBB visa 2 weeks ago and they still did not post it to the account. Since the due date was approaching, I made a transfer from my checking account using FBB website. The payment is still not there after 4 days. There is a message on the top of their website: "Please note: You will only be able to view checks that were posted to your account prior to the end of the last month".

    I called cs this morning. No payment is posted and when I asked about an electronic payment they simply said that it may not have gone thru.

    Anyone else having problems with them?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    FLEET has a DELAY posting problem too...

    It shows up with the CORRECT dates...just takes a LONG time!!!
  3. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Oooooooooh scarey! Can they take payment over the phone?
  4. dwooley

    dwooley Well-Known Member

    It takes them 4 business days to post ach payments made on their website. Gotta be careful because one late payment to them negates all potential benefits. Wish they show monthly statements on the web rather than depending on paper one too.
  5. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Under the Fair Credit Billing Act they must post on the same day they receive the payment.
  6. dwooley

    dwooley Well-Known Member

    Just to let you know about the conclusion of FBB mystery. My payment by personal check was credited to FBB account one day after the due date and 10 days after it was mailed. Very strange considering the check cleared my out of state checking account on due date. Normally, I would not let them get away with this but I did make a double payment by funds transfer from FBB website and it got credited on time.
  7. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    FYI: their auto-pay setup is excellent. They will debit full balance from any bank account you select on the due date (actually gets removed 2 business days later, in my experience.)

    AND, if you make other payments or get credits back to the account, their auto-debit for that month will be reduced proportionally--you only have paid what you need to get credit for paying full balance, unlike CITI or others. Very nice.
  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Under the Fair Credit Billing Act they must post on the same day they receive the payment.
    AND what day is that?
  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    It takes them 4 business days to post ach payments made on their website. Gotta be careful because one late payment to them negates all potential benefits.
    What does posted date have to do with payment date ??
  10. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Um.....its the day they receive it.

    How about this, the day you click submit (or, at worst depending on time of day, the next day). The intent of the FCBA is quite clear. YOUR duty is to get the payment to them. Once you have done that they cannot charge you a late fee, finance charges, etc because of their delay (whether intentional or just in the ordinary course of business). Whether it takes them 15 minutes or 15 days to get your check processed does not matter -- that's THEIR problem, not yours. This only applies where a late fee, finance charge, etc will apply. Also, if they set forth a manner of payment and you pay in a *different* manner than instead of the day of receipt they have 5 days.

    The way people just casually sit back and allow their payments to be late-posted is a bigger scam than the fcra violations.
  11. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    SORRY: I mean what date is that. How do we prove what date they got it.

    *Could you give me more details about this?
  12. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    well you have a record of when you paid, presumably. They have a record (which you can subpoena). Etc.

    what details do you want?
  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I*Um.....its the day they receive it.

    2*The way people just casually sit back and allow their payments to be late-posted is a bigger scam than the fcra violations.
    3*what details do you want?
    1* mean what date

    2*Why is it a scam?

    3*Who is doing the scaming? Why is it a big deal?
  14. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Could I be any clearer?
    You mail a check June 20. The post office drops it off to them on June 21. What day do you THINK they received it????!!!! How many times do I have to repeat this. The day they RECEIVE it. The day they ree-seeve it. Not the day they post it. Not the day they process it. The day it is delivered. The day they get it. The day it comes. The day it is dropped off. They day it is left for them. The day it arrives at their box. The date of receipt.

    Its a scam because many cos. (see the FUSA thread) don't post it for 5 days (or whatever) claiming it takes time to process. This increases the # of late payment fees, interest, etc they can charge.

    The credit card companies. Because it costs billions of dollars.

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