Best Buy increase

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by soup, Jun 12, 2002.

  1. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Applied online yesterday, got instant approval for $2500...called them last night...increased to $3500. Not bad considering where I was in the beginning of the month!!
  2. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    Who did they pull? And what was your score?
  3. soup

    soup Well-Known Member derogs....Customer service was great..the one time I talked to them!!lol
  4. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Also...when you apply you have the option to be considered for MC w/ Household additional inq....still waiting to see what happened there...will call a little later to check status.
  5. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Just called household to see status on MC...not in there system...told me to try back tomorrow....

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