Do you like it? Did you apply on line? Who do they pull? What limit did they give ya? Since I got my new home I was thinking of applying!
I've got one. I got a preapproved offer in the mail based on a promo inquiry on TU. They did not pull a hard inquiry when I accepted the card. I got a $1,250 credit limit. My internal TU score was probably about 618 when they pulled the promotional inquiry.
Yes, it's Monogram but I've seen postings here and on that say Citi is going to take over at least the Home Depot cards.
I've got one also. Mine was opened Dec/00 with a $1250 limit. After 6 months, they raised it to $1750, and I requested a $2100 limit via the automated system the next month (granted). In Dec/01, they raised it to $2300. This time, the automated system transferred me to a live rep, who denied my request for any additional amount. EDIT: Mine was preapproved. Even though I know they must have pulled a promo, I've never been able to find the inquiry on any of my three reports since then, so I don't know... I like them, but usually only do the 0% deals. My scores average 640-650 usually.
You are definitely going to need one. The 0% deals seem to come around every few months too. I applied on line and got the standard $1250.
Dave, they pulled a soft inquiry. There's an AR on June 25, where they gave my automatic one, then one dated July 23, another AR, which was when I did the phone request.
Well, I used the system and asked for an additional $750 to bring my credit line to $2,000 and was approved instantly. I hate those systems that ask YOU how much you want. You always think you should have asked for more, but you are afraid to ask for too much just in case you would have been approved for a lower figure.
I forgot to add I just got my third statment in the mail yesterday. I bought some appliances (total of about $800) on the no payments/no interest until January 2003 plan but I've made $150 payments each of the last two months anyway.
HD is my favorite store. I use their do not pay for 6 months promotion a lot. MY limit was just increased to $7900. They pulled a inq. from EQ ( I live in Canada). My only complaint is the lack of staff in the stores. Either no one is available to help or they lack knowledge of my particular project.
Pulled experian on was the Bank of Georgia or GeorgiaBank...not citi as I was hoping.