HAPPY!!!! and AMAZED!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by soup, Jun 12, 2002.

  1. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    In the past week I've been approved for

    Best Buy
    Target Visa

    and two weeks ago didn't even see a light at the end of the tunnel...boy does credit change fast!!!

    Most happy about Amex & Citi...really didn't think I'd be with the big boys even this year, seemed like I was stuck in subprime hell for ever!

    Anyway, all I really wanted was amex & citi...just doing the retail sections for fico scoring...wanna get everything I need and then just sit back and let it age....

    Just wanted to share my enthusium with everyone and give a big THANK YOU to creditnet!!!
  2. zb1965

    zb1965 Well-Known Member

    Would you like to share with us your terms?
  3. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    You're stealing my spotlight!!!!

    Just teasing. Congrats on the new cards.

  4. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    Thats GREAT! Congrats!!
  5. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Amex Delta Sky Miles....standard...14.74% which I'm thinking about product transferring...just wanted my foot in the door...don't know the limit....they're sending it with the "membership" package...so will let you know.

    CitiAA...don't know or don't remember APR but limit is $3500...once I receive the card will call for platinum select...

    Target Visa...15.9% which is much better than the 21% I had with the guest card...

    Best Buy...they offer 0% financing for 3-6 months...instant approval was for $2500...called and got another $1000

    Chevron is I (think) 21% or right around there and the limit $600

    Anyway, this was my credit portfolio before...

    First Premier Bank $250
    Cross Country Bank $1250 originally $350
    Cap1 $1900..originally 200
    Target Guest Card $700...originally $200
    Getsmart(Providian) $500

    I think I need to go buy a NEW WALLET...don't need to hide my credit cards because I'm embarrased anymore!!!! YIPPEE
  6. luxury4me

    luxury4me Well-Known Member

    Congrats. I agree ot really is amazing how things can change so quickly.
  7. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    SEARS Online app. instant approval for $450...huh...is it always so low...didn't apply for MC..but the store card to help ratios...has anyone gotten an increase right away?

    OK...now I'm done applying...sitting back and aging while disputing EXP & TU....

    In 7-10 business days I'll be getting alot plastic in the mail!!!
  8. reality89

    reality89 Well-Known Member

    congrats soup. What were your scores when you applied?
  9. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    700!!! On June 1 it was 616....what a difference 1 collection makes!!

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    &%@!!!! How old was the collection?
  11. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Dec. 2000...a dentil billing dispute that's still on exp and TU
  12. shameen29

    shameen29 Well-Known Member

    What are you credit scores? What were your credit scores?
  13. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    My best score 1 yr ago...on experian was 540...now it's 647

    equifax was 525 now 700

    TU (brace yourself) 385...now low 600's
  14. shameen29

    shameen29 Well-Known Member

    What did you do?

    I have 9 paid collections on my experian (old cable bills (2) , loan company (2), utilities (3), medical (1) and old rental bill (1)

    3 paid collections on my equifax (for utilities and medical)
    3 paid collections on my transunion(for utilities)

    and several inquries on all three?

    do you have any suggestions?

    my credit scores are
    equifax 607
    experian 556
    transunion 587
  15. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    I did whatever anyone told me to on this board...LOL

    For the most part, I disputed with the CRA's until recently...

    That last collection account I sent a validation back in January....no response...sent second....no response...then I did an estoppel...they called my new work...immediately from the advice on this board faxed an estoppel...haven't heard from them since....but it was deleted from equifax, hence the 616 to 700 within two days literally....

    Anyway, it's frustrating just stick too it...it seems it'll never be over and then BAM...HELLO PRIME!!!

    That collection is still on exp & TU...don't know exactly what my next step is...right now I'm lying back and enjoying a little taste of PRIME...BIG SIGH OF RELEIF!!!

    I was in the same boat....my collections showing were utilities and medical/dental...moved states and you know what happens all insignificant amounts that are detramental!!

    I did have a charge/off showing on an account that I was an authorized user on...ironicly I sent a letter to them (citibank) to have them remove an inquiry...they removed the charge/off account and sent a letter BONUS...that's back in the beginning while I was using Lex and decided while they were working on the accounts I'd hit the inq! well it worked!! BTW I only used them a few months and don't recommend them, I think had I been onmy own w/ this board, I'd been a few months ahead!!

    good luck, hope that helped/motivated at least a little bit!!!

    there are great people here so if ya wanna know or need help....JUST ASK.
  16. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Should of read my reply first...minor correction...

    sent estoppel then they called my new job...faxed a C&D letter immediately....sorry for the confusion

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