(no credit history)building credit?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cibomatto, Jun 12, 2002.

  1. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    My wife (25 Years old) basically has No crdit. We didn;t look at her credit file as of yet for scores but all I really imagine is in her repoort is a couple of credit inquiries for rent/utilities. She is a college student and got her first credit card (Student card from Capital one) 200 limit 19.8%
    she has has it for a few months and manage to avoid the finance charge (Thankfully)../

    anyhow.. my question is:

    in her case what tips would you all recommend for her to do to build her credit other then paying everything on time and not to be late...

    thanks all :)
  2. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    If you have good credit, why not add her as an authorized user?
  3. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Being a college student, getting credit is alot easier. I would suggest looking into student cards by MBNA and Discover (they are the most leinent), but the CLs are small (usually $1000-1500) but if she is working they will probably offer a higher line. If she is approved for one of the cards use that (and Cap One) for six months to a year. Contact them every six months to ask for a CL increase. I would suggest giving Cap One and asking them to lower the interest rate - 19.8% is too high and she can do better.

    Use the cards a little and pay them off in full each month (some people carry a small balance to show the CCC that they are profitable). It is your choice, but do not carry a balance any higher than 25%. I think the biggest effect to one's FICO score is the debt ratio.

    It takes time to build credit. My suggestion is get a few cards (2 or 3) and create a working relationship with those companies. Keep the balances small, and the inquiries low, and her credit report should be looking fantastic in a couple years.

    Good luck. :)

  4. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    hahah, Me..... good credit??

    My credit is Awful right now!!! AWFUL!!!!


    My current EX score is at 569 and believe me I am starting the process of raising it (sort of)...


    Dani, that sounds like great advice.. I will show this posting to her :) Thanks

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