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WTH Blue from AMEX???

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by zb1965, Jun 12, 2002.

  1. zb1965

    zb1965 Well-Known Member

    My intension is to close Blue from Amex after 3 years.I started to build my credit history with Amex with my green card,then Optima Platinum and then Blue in 1999.Everything was OK and I was really happy with Amex until they denied to increase my CL two weeks ago.My initial CL was 8K ( APR 9.9% fixed ) and they have increased it only once for an additional 1K last year.So two weeks ago I asked again just 1K more,they pulled hard inquiry and they denied me flat right on the phone.Of course they did not find any baddies but reason: my income stay as a same for two years already.
    They are trying to tell me if there is no income increase,there is no CL increase too.WTF???They will never have chance again to play games with me.
    BTW I red some postings on PFB where I saw a lot of complaints from customers to whom they decreased CL without any good reason.Bye,bye AMEX...
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???

    Sorry, I'm just not seeing what the problem is here. You have a 9K cl and the only problem you have with them is that they turned you down for a CL increase? Either there is more to the story or I'm just missing the point. Refusing to lower apr, I can understand. Lowering CL without notice, I can understand. Problems with their product overall, I can understand. But then again...its possible that I don't understand because I don't have any 9K card and what you have sounds pretty darn good to me about right now...lol.

  3. zb1965

    zb1965 Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???

    What's good for you may be not good for me buddy...I got from Citibank,Bank of America,Chase and Capital One much better CL and lower APR than with AMEX...I do not depend on WTF Amex...Clear now???
  4. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???

    I have a $200 CL on a Target card and $100 on Fingerhut, So NA NA NANA!
  5. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???

    Kiyi - Fingerhut gave you $100?
    The lowest creditlimit I ever saw on here was a $50 limit - I think it was Cap One KMart card - you could search....

    FYI - I agree with the comments but do understand how it feels to get turned down by AMEX - or not upgraded....

    aarrfff - dogman
  6. zb1965

    zb1965 Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???

    Thanks dogman for understanding!!!What is your story,please? I think I'll feel better if you tell us...
  7. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???

    geesh trying to make me feel better? it didn't work:)
  8. zb1965

    zb1965 Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???

    Kiyi do you want my Blue?
  9. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???

    ROFL that card would give me a teen heartattack. My car isn't even worth my total credit limit from my other two cards.
  10. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???

    ALMOST 3 YEARS AMEX BLUE...START $15,500----->STILL $15,500!!!

    ONLY GOOD THING HAS BEEN 12.99%----->9.99%
  11. zb1965

    zb1965 Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???

    George do you know why it's so hard to get CLI from Amex?What is their problem?Why they are so cheap?
  12. zb1965

    zb1965 Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???

    Do they have problem with funds?Shortage or what?
  13. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???

    you can check my AMEX posts back fairly recently - I was absolutely told my Green Card would be upgraded - not to GOLD - but to Platinum. He also told me the fee was $395 and my MR points would transfer to the new Platinum Card.

    They ran a credit check and denied me flat out.
    I spend $5-7K every month - they wouldn't do it.
    Life did go on.......

    aarfff - dogman
  14. mj

    mj Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???


    Sounds like you may have too much available credit. Part of the process Amex uses is a manual review, and they strongly consider how much you have available and work out the ratios (total monthly payments + housing / monthly gross income) AS IF you maxed out. If that ratio is over 45%, forget it.

    I've hit their ceiling at $19.3 - to get the Hilton card they wanted to reallocate some of the Blue to the new card, but in the end they didn't.

  15. zb1965

    zb1965 Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???

    my ratio is only 15%...or
    85% of available credit unused...
  16. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???


    One thing about Amex is they like it when you pay in full and use the card substantially. I have a Corporate Gold and Blue. I have never been denied for a CL (knock on wood). They gave me a hard time yesterday about a tax return, but we fixed that.

    Income doesn't really matter to them (if it shifts or not). A high amount of usage and a quick payment turn around does.

  17. Calypso

    Calypso Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???

    They gave me a hard time yesterday about a tax return, but we fixed that.

    Can you elaborate? I had never heard of a cc company asking for tax returns. A $700,000 new mortgage, OK. $2500 CL increase. Silly.
  18. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???

    Three/four weeks ago I requested a CL increase, through their online system (don't do this, unless you're preapproved - they pull a hard inquiry).

    Two days ago I received a letter from Amex stating they wanted me to send a copy of my tax return so they could approve my 2500 increase. Give me a break. I wasn't doing it.

    Last night, I contacted Amex's CS and basically stated that I was insulted (politely of course) and that I refused to send my tax return. (Last month I ran the card up to a substantial amount and paid it off before the statement arrived..so I couldn't figure out why they needed to verify my income.) I wasn't going to Bora Bora. Basically, the rep agreed with me and someone from Centurion Bank got on the phone. She accessed the account, looked at my account history, and apologized stating that Amex should have never requested a tax return. They gave me my $2500 CL request (if I knew it would be like this, I would have asked for more). ;)

    It's sad the way the world works, the only way to get anything done (at least done right) is to bitch (or be a bitch).

  19. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???

    I haven't missed or been late on ANY payment in 24+ years...(almost 3 years AMEX)...I was given the TAX RETURN GARBAGE TOO!!!


    I have MAXXED it out (MORE THAN ONCE) and PAID IN FULL before the bill was due...DIDN'T HELP...

  20. zb1965

    zb1965 Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF Blue from AMEX???

    The fact about AMEX is they are changing their rules when it comes to CL or CLI.Their rules becoming weird...unundestandable...bad for them...I know what to do...just avoid them...

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