Stepfather Hell Strikes AGAIN!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Calmest_LA, Jun 11, 2002.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Calmest_LA ***you in LA???

    I will be in WHITTIER 06/22/02 to 06/27/02 I'm the "BOUNCER" at WAL*MART...


    I'll be visiting TRANS UNION in FULLERTON and EXPERIAN in ORANGE...

    Might be able to squeeze you in for a VISIT to DISCUSS A CAR PROBLEM...

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    NEVER-MIND...I see you might have it fixed tomorrow...
  3. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Calmest, I'd be careful taking that car to see him. He may try to do something to it, especially if you don't trust him. Have a friend go with you if you want to drive, or go with a friend in their car. OR rent a car. It's as cheap as 25 dollars for the day. I hope everything works out.
  4. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    wish we knew where she is and how this went...
  5. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Seriously, he likes to use extortion? I would do the same thing back and see how he likes it.
  6. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    Yeah. I sure hope she didn't drive the VW and took a witness with her
  7. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Did he kidnap you? er...uh....adultnap you?
  8. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Maybe I should call up Experian and file a missing persons report??
  9. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    Calmest, hope all is well. Last thing we did before bed last night was check to see if you had posted yet. Checking in was the first priority of the morning too.

    I'm sure we're not alone in being concerned for your well-being and hopeful that the situation has been resolved...peacefully and in your best interests.

    We all hope you'll post soon.


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Oh where, oh where has Calmest_LA gone,

    Oh where, oh where could she be?

    Please post soon, we're worried!
  11. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    calmest la,

    i hope everything is well. please post asap, as we are all getting a little concerned.
  12. mtnair

    mtnair Well-Known Member

    There's nothing we can do, right? I am worried too.
  13. ingenue

    ingenue Well-Known Member

    Perhaps start with going to your county court clerk and get a form to fill out which is a formal, legal request that your rightful property must be turned over to you (signing over the car). That should be the first legal step, I think. I forget what the form is called. If he won't sign it over, you'll have formal proof that you've requested him to do so when you go to court.

    Also try legal aid if you're doing this as a civil matter. If you can't afford an attorney to pursue this in "civil" fashion, perhaps you could contact your local DA and see if you can pursue this as a criminal matter. What you've written sounds like extortion at the least, which is a criminal violation. Show a DA you've paid all this money to someone, show your proof, and you could show the evil stepdaddy who's boss. Stepdad might have to actually try to take your car before you can pursue this.
    If he takes it and resells it, you can add a few more criminal charges.

    If you're in a state that allows recording of conversations where only one party is aware of the recording, get yourself some recording equipment ($40 or so at Radio Shack) and nail his a$$.

  14. Calmest_LA

    Calmest_LA Well-Known Member

    It's a Done Deal!!!

    IMPORTANT UPDATE..................

    Hey Everybody,

    Thanks to all of you for your concern!!!

    I am okay. I would have posted last night, but by the time I arrived back home, I was dog tired and emotionally wiped out. I have GOOD news :) :)

    My volkswagon is FINALLY in my very own name!!!!!

    Yippie Skippy!

    I still cannot believe it. My mother accompanied my SF to the meeting which surprised me to say the least. I think she thought I needed a witness too. I did borrow a good friend's car like some of you suggested, because I, too, wondered whether or not he might try to take the car.

    The meeting was quite emotional for me, although I didn't say much. As a matter of fact, I was so nervous and rattled to be around him that I feared I would break out crying at any given moment. But I just kept reminding myself that in a few more minutes the car will officially be in my name.

    Now this trip was not without it's problems :(

    Remember, I went to get that "Bill of Sale" form signed and notarized, right? Well, my stepfather put down as the amount of the sale $10.00 (ten). I thought we should put down a little more, something substantial, but he said that would be fine, and I was not willing or brave enough to argue with him about it. So we had it notarized. Done deal.

    So then I drove three hours back to home and barely made it to my local DMV office before they closed. They were closing in 5 minutes. But I went in with all of my paperwork: the title indicating transfer to me, my proof of insurance, and the "Bill of Sale."

    Well, the DMV guy refused to register the car in my name!!!!! He said, "We can't take no ten dollars on a 1997 Volkswagon!" "You should have filled out a donation form!" My heart sank to the pit of my stomach!!!!!

    I was beyond angry. I was going to explode. The thought of having to go back to my stepfather and do this all over again was about to cause me a heart attack or something. I could feel my blood boiling.

    Do I need to tell you guys/gals how much that man wishes he had never met me? I imagine he is hoping he never has to deal with me again. All of the emotions I have had to control this week just came right on out. I let that guy have it.

    By the time I got through with that DMV guy, he didn't know what had happened...and neither did I, lol.

    I told him that I could buy a car for any amount I wanted, as long as that was the seller's price. I told him that I would file charges against him personally if he attempted to impede my right to register my vehicle and pay my taxes.

    I told him that I was NOT leaving without the title being transferred into my name, etc., etc. I was screaming and had literally come unglued, lol. I'm not proud of behaving like a madwoman, but I just couldn't take it anymore.

    So then he says, "Fine. Just change the ten dollars to one hundred dollars and I'll register the car in your name. I told him I thought this is illegal and not right and that on any other day I would fight this, but I wanted the car in my name today (it was already 15 minutes past closing time).

    So I did. I changed the $10.00 to $100.00 and paid about 3.50 in taxes. The total cost was just under $, title, license fees combined.

    He then gave me a temporary registration form and my brand new license plate right then and there. He said I should get the original title sometime next week. I am glad it's all over!!!!!

    This experience has taught me a little about myself. I have realized that I am a horrible business woman. So my new goal is to learn more about cars, business transactions, the laws in my area, and how to be more assertive, etc., etc.

    There is simply no way that I will get myself into this kind of situation again.

    You people on this board have made it much easier for me to get through this. You have been supportive, given great advice, and I will always appreciate the fact that you've reminded me that there are still caring, decent people out there.

  15. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Re: It's a Done Deal!!!

    Oh what a relif you must feel. I am so glad this mess is behind you!!!!

  16. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Re: It's a Done Deal!!!

    OMG! Way to go. I am pretty darn happy with you getting your car.
  17. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Re: It's a Done Deal!!!

    good for you, calmest! I was about to hire GEORGE to "drop-kick" that dude into next week. :)
  18. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    Re: It's a Done Deal!!!

    Congratulations! We're so pleased for you!

    Now it's onward and upward!

  19. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Re: It's a Done Deal!!!

    Thank goodness this whole deal is behind you!!
  20. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Re: It's a Done Deal!!!

    I am glad everything worked out. :)


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