My dh has 3 student loans, totaling about $10,000. They all have many lates, 90+ or even 120+. 2 are thru nelnet, the other is Sallie Mae. Ok, so he applies for a consolidation thru nelnet, which is approved. It won't start until july (something about interest rates going down) He has applied for a forebearance (I think that's the word) on his back nelnet loan, and is doing it for sallie mae. This means that the accounts will be brought to current, correct? But, all those 120 day lates will still show up on his CR. I think we should have discussed how to handle it, before he made the arrangements. Now that it's arranged, how will I get all those lates off the reports? I guess I don't understand how it works, and why apply for a forebearance, if it doesn't help your CR? Why not just leave them late, and have them paid off w/ the consolidation loan? Or, am I just totally missing something here. I've asked him, but truthfully, I don't think he knows the answers, so he just rambles on and tells me what I want to hear! TIA Tracy
you can dispute the lates with the cra's. I have done it and so have many others. The forbearance, if it is retroactive, will take care of all the lates from the date of the forbearance. he probably got a good deal with the % rate, because it is like 4.25 now, really a good deal.
I speak acronymese as well as the next guy, but would you mind telling me what "dh" is? Designated Hitter (if you live in an AL town)? Dumb Husband? Damn Husband? Dopey Husband? Drunk Husband? Duck Holder? TIA
Sorry, I forget which board I'm on. How embarrassing! Yes, it stands for dear husband, damned husband, whichever the occasion calls for! sorry, I'm an ivillage chick! he he
I thought it stood for Deer Hunter. Damn that Russian Roulette scene with Christopher Walken gives me the creeps!