My mothers the crook and I suffer

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jobtimer, Jun 13, 2002.

  1. jobtimer

    jobtimer Well-Known Member

    Hello Everyone ,

    I have a question for everyone. Actually I need everyoneâ??s advice. I pulled my TU credit report in Jan of 2002, There was account there I did not recognize from CTCE Credit Union for 400.00 in 11/1997, so I disputed with TU that it was not mine and they deleted it. A couple months letter it showed up again, doing a little investigation I found out my mother opened an account in my name without my permission. I called CTCE and explained the problem to them I also told them that I donâ??t want to press charges against my mother because she takes care of two younger brothers. (They live in Philadelphia I live in Florida) The lady at CTCE asked me to write down my side of the story and fax it to her with my signature so that she can compare handwritings. Two days go by and I called her back and she says that the signatures were too close of a match and the best thing for me to do is just pay it. I say to her its not mine so if I pay for it thatâ??s saying its mine, also of course my mothers signature is going to be similar, sheâ??s the one taught me how to read and write. How can they tell from a fax . Finally I said if I do go ahead and just pay for will you delete it, Her reply â??was no, it will show paid charge off â??.

    Can some one tell me what should I do. I was thinking about writing a letter stating if they do not investigate the accuratecy of the account I would be forced to sue.

    Can some point to the right letter I should send .

    What do you think?

    Thank you,
  2. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Send a validation letter and ask for proof its yours.
  3. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Well, really, you're between a rock and a hard place. I think, if it was my mother, I would just pay it and wait a while and dispute it off.
  4. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    Bull puckey. A person with a degree in graphoanalysis can determine that the handwriting samples are different. Check your phone book under 'graphoanalysis' and you might find someone to help you - although I'm not sure pursuing it over $400 is gonna be cost effective or smart since it's your mom. This is a sore spot for me - people who know NOTHING about handwriting characteristics making a determination that your writing is yours or it's not. The science of graphoanalysis takes years of study and unless that woman has C.G.A. after her name, I wouldn't take her word that the signatures are 'tool close'. That's a bunch of phooey. Plus, sending a faxed copy of your signature and comparing that to a non-faxed copy is not going apples to apples. Sure, you'd get a pretty good idea if the two looked similar, but you're not asking if they look similar - you're asking if they match.

    You could have HER send YOU a copy of the application and have someone who knows something about handwriting make a determination. (again you're not going apples to apples, but they're obviously not gonna send you the original). I don't know how much it'll cost, but then again, it's your mom and if you go getting a signed affidavit that the signatures do not match, then I'd think that that would give them room to bust your mom.

    Why won't your mom just pay it??
  5. jobtimer

    jobtimer Well-Known Member

    she doesnt have the money , and will not admit to them that she opened it , she told me she did it to put food on the table and to buy gifts for my little brothers . Now do you see why I left Philadelphia ?
  6. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    I am a big dumb jerk for suggesting this but your mother took advantage of you and broke the law. She stole from you. You need to deal with her as you would any other identity thief. Now that you have a collection tradeline, it's too late for her to pay up and make good.

    I've never understood the attitude of "family is sacred" when faced with a cheating/stealing family member. Blood relative or not, if you steal from me you will pay the price!

    As for not being able to afford presents for the siblings, all I can say is "bed, made, lie." Child-rearing is expensive. However, it is not a justification for theft.

    Your hands are tied until you take off your kid gloves and step up to the plate.
  7. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    ...and this account is from back in 97? How much extra interest have you been paying to service your debt over the last five years thanks to this thorn in your credit file?

    If you're an active borrower, I'll bet it was more than $400. Think about that.
  8. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't send them anything telling any "side of the story" crap. You need to handle this like a fraud account. Call them back and speak to the Fraud dept. Tell them it's NOT yours! Tell them that you are just finding out about it. You have NO clue who has done it! I would also tell them that you are planning to go to where ever (the state it was opened in) and get a police report! ASk them where the account was opened and etc and what the mailing address is! B/C you will need that for the police report!!!!

    Let them send you an affidavit. Fill it out and mail it back. Let them investigate and compare sig's. Once they see it's not yours...THEY will remove it from your CR. You are no longer the vicitm THEY ARE b/c they are out of the money. If they want to go after your mother (not likely since it's ONLY 400.00) LET THEM!

    Here's my 10 cents... my 2 cents is!
  9. jobtimer

    jobtimer Well-Known Member

    thank you so much for everyones help.

    thank you,
  10. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    I agree with Martysgirl, get an affidavit from them, sign it, and send it back. If they still persist, then make them validate. They don't have a case. If the situation escalates and they violate the law, you will have the evidence for a lawsuit. Lizardking has posted a template that I am sure will set up your case for you if you have to go to those extremes.
  11. tonyastime

    tonyastime Well-Known Member

    one obvious problem is it does not sound lke her mother will NOT do it again since she felt justified the first time. SHe should tell her mother to come to her for help if she needs it and that under no circumstances should her credit be tampered with. There are lots of food pantires if she can not help her. Just a thought
  12. jobtimer

    jobtimer Well-Known Member

    My mother hasent done anything recently , I have also changed my signature since I found out about this and others .

    PS I'm a he not she

    thank you,
  13. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    This might not be a popular post but wht the hell...

    I am a single mother that raised 2 daughters by myself. My ex was spotty about child support...and chasing him every time became expensive and all intents and purposes I had very little financial help other than my own earnings. Fortunately I was successful in my career for a number of years...but in 1992 I became disabled...luckily I had private disability insurance plus SSDI so I was able to continue the lifestyle we were accustomed to until both girls were 18 and gone off to college. My girls never wanted for anything and they enjoyed nice vacations, clothes, cars and all the things a loving parent who could afford it would give to their children. In fact even today my girls (who are now 25 & 26) say "thank you" to me every chance they get.I am proud to say I have 2 beautiful, caring and unselfish young women as daughters and now as best friend.

    But what I want to say here is I am hoping that if I struggled and was desperate enough to do what your mother did I would hope that my daughters would forgive me and if they could help me out. I would be heartbroken if my daughters did anything to help strangers (like creditors) come after me or cause me any more stress than I already had.

    So please...think a moment...this IS your mother...we mothers aren't perfect..god knows...but we really wouldn't do something intentionally malicious. Forgive her out...someday you're going to be a dad and you will look back with a hell of alot more understanding.

  14. NicoleW

    NicoleW New Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    The "poor" mother isn't the victim here. Jobtimer is.

    Good luck getting this sorted out, jobtimer. What a mess.
  15. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    I don't think I referred to his mother as "poor" or the victim...remember.."to err is forgive divine"

    How 'bout we all go to Philly and stone her to death?

  16. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    WOO this is an extreme.

    I would start with the validation as previously stated. At the same time. I would disputed it with the CRA's

    By making your mother the victim, it will not resolve the situation.

    Try these two processes. The total amount is $400, small change for a financial institution, even though we the tax payers will end up paying it in the long run.

    Hopefully, it will not be ME!!!

    Try those two steps. No letters to the bank, no police reports. Keep the gloves on! Save the fight for another day.

    Also, since this occurred in 1997, you only have 2 years left until it falls off your credit report. I would also look into the statue of limitations, since you may have opened up a can of worms.

    Most CRA's delete within a few months of the 7-year mark.

    Good Luck,

    Please keep us informed and we will help you move on to the next stage of this delicate predicament.
  17. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    I was being somewhat sarcastic there...

  18. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    my brother once took one of my father's credit cards and went on a spending father disputed the charges with the OC...they sent a form for him to sign and an affidavit which he was supposed to fill out and return. He refused to sign the affidavit...and the OC had to take it off his bill as "not his".

    so from personal experience I know this can be done...just be persistent with the sounds like they are setting you up to sign an affidavit against your mother b4 they release you...this they cannot just keep after them...

  19. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    I guess that I wasn't aware of the trouble that can happen if he signs the affidavit. But can this creditor go after his mother if they don't even have her information? Unless of course, jobtimer gave it to them.
  20. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    Re: My mothers the crook and I suff

    no they can't...and they can't require him to fill out an affidavit and sign it...that's what they want...probably why they are giving him a hard time.


    BTW milkmom...I'm having troubling with your email..sould you email me

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