Helping Milkmom

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by joe, Jun 13, 2002.

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  1. joe

    joe Well-Known Member


    Maybe everyone would like to get togther and donate a little something to MILKMOM? Let's see...if the "regulars" come in with even $10/each, that could be $200 pretty fast....

    Milkmom, do you have PAYPAL or something like that?

    What does everyone think?
  2. dimitri

    dimitri Well-Known Member

    I am game. Let me know.
  3. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    What happened?
  4. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I'm in with $10 if she has paypal or billpoint and will accept the money...
  5. thecatslai

    thecatslai Well-Known Member

    I pitch in what I can too. I know how it is to be down and out. I would hate to see her account get closed over this.

  6. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Over what?
  7. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    Please post how to get to this payment link and an account #. I'm in for $10 if you can get me the info. Sounds like an act of kindness to me.
  8. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member

    I'd like to help too.
  9. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Me too.

    I wonder if paypal would be fast enough.

    Please advise,
  10. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    You got $10 from me!

    Where do I send it.

  11. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member


    I am very humbled by this. I never expected anyone to think that much of me to try and help in this manner. I mean, my and my husband's own families aren't even considering it.

    I guess I feel a little embarrassed because I don't want anyone to think that I am trying to take advantage of them. You guys are bringing tears to my eyes as I write this. In fact, I am shaking all over. The generosity from this board is overwhelming. Thank you. I don't know what to do.
  12. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    :) milkmom,

    In receiving, you allow us to give.

    I'm in!

  13. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    All of you don't understand how much this is helping my family. An angel helped us and now more angels are arriving. I humbly accept your help. I wish I lived near you so my husband could physically work for you guys in return. He offers his IT/computer skills as compensation for your generosity. I do have a paypal account but the logistics of it I'm unsure of. Tell me what to do. Once again, thank you.
  14. defender

    defender Active Member

    Just post the e-mail account you registered at PayPal with, and the wonderful people here will be able to send you money.

    Milkmom, I can certainly relate to your plight. Six weeks ago, my SO and I were employed by the same company, well on the way to solving our financial situation.

    To make a long story short, it turns out the ex-Boss has paranoid personality disorder, antisocial disorder, or a combination of both. My SO was diagnosed with extreme exhaustion due to stress, (read Boss from Hell,) aggravated by hypothyroidism.

    Seven days into her Doctor ordered leave of absence, we were both terminated. The kicker is, he classified us as independent contractors rather than employees, hence no unemployment or worker's compensation benefits.

    At the time of our respective job losses, we had exactly $3.00 in the bank, forcing me to contact my 75 year old Father for emergency funds, something I cannot stand doing.

    We have an appointment at Social Services on Friday, June 14, yet another move I deplore. Until we're able to get reclassified as employees, (which we truly were,) our options are limited.

    Please understand that I am not attempting to upstage your plight, we're in a very similar situation. Knowing you are far from alone often brings peace of mind.

    As for the wonderful people who have offered their generous assistance to Milkmon, know that the Universe is sending each of you all the greatest good. I am honored to be amongst such caring souls.
  15. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member


    When you originally set up your Paypal account, did you link your bank account to it? If so, you can request that the funds you receive be sent electronically to that bank account and you will have them in about 3-4 days. (they won't just automatically go, though, you have to go into your Paypal account and request it.)

    If the bank account is closed already and you can't get the bank to consider re-opening it for you, you will have to request that Paypal mail you a check for the funds which will take about a week.

    One other issue, I don't know if this matters, but I believe the ceiling that Paypal puts on personal accounts (the ones that allow you to receive money without having to pay their 2.9% commission) is $100. If you receive more than that you have to upgrade to the Premier or Business account. Anyone can have one of these accounts, but as I indicated, they do charge the commission.

    There is another somewhat more traditional option that might be faster all the way around.

    You might consider posting a regular old snail mail address so your friends can mail a little assistance directly to you. A post office box would probably be best but I would imagine most any physical address would work. Just pick it and post it. We'll do the rest.

    All the best!

  16. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Ok, here goes.

    You are right. The paypal account is linked to that closed account but I am hoping they will reopen it once we get our unemployment tomorrow.

    Here is the paypal account email address.

    Here is my po box.

    Bianca McCoy
    PO BOX 1845
    Kenosha, WI 53141

    I think you all know how I feel about you. I have alot of love for the people on this board.
  17. annie

    annie Well-Known Member


    I am sending you money to your mailbox. It just a little bit, but hope it helps.


    Just trying to keep the MAN'S foot off my neck.
  18. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Can some explain paypal...I've never used it? I think I've seen it on yahoo...Milkmom, everyone has bumps in the road, I certainly have, I hope your turnaround comes quick...try and keep the faith, when you get to the bottom you can only go up!!
  19. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    Things do get better. I hit bottom about 15 months ago before things started improving. One friend paid my health insurance for six months at over $500 per month. My Sunday school class took up a collection. I even got gift certificates for two different grocery stores.

    The bottom line is that it may be tough now but it will improve.

    This is a great idea. I'll send something out tonight.
  20. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member


    Paypal is a means of sending money from one email address to another.

    Each person has to register for an account. You give Paypal a credit card or bank account information to link the account to and when you need to send money, such as to pay for an online auction, Paypal will charge your credit card or bank account and will transfer the funds into the seller's account. They do online verifications of the credit card (not inquiry, just name and address verification) and to verify a bank account they will deposit two <$1.00 transactions to your account and when you find out what those amounts are you go to their site and enter the amounts. This confirms your bank account.

    Now, one SERIOUS word of caution.

    Paypal is great for small transactions. But don't count on it as a means of sending large sums of money that it would put you in a hardship to do without. Paypal has been known to freeze the funds of totally innocent parties for 30 days or longer. They require very little in the way of suspicion to do this and there are several lawsuits out there as a result.

    By the way, I'm not blasting Paypal, nor discouraging its use. Even though there are flaws in their system, I still use them a lot myself. I just won't be doing any more big transactions with them anymore.

    Hope this helps!

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