No change in score

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by QUEEN_BEE, Jun 14, 2002.


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    I thought that once you enter a dispute, that the disputed accounts are not factored into your score. I checked my score 3 days after entering the dispute, the accounts are marked in dispute, but my score remains the same.
  2. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Love are you speaking about EQ? I agree with you if you are. In the past their were many post about the score moving when things are in dispute, but i've yet to benefit from that. I experience no score increase at all. Maybe they corrected it with the new system?

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

  4. helpwanted

    helpwanted Well-Known Member

    hmmm, maybe the same thing with mine. I disputed 2 student loan accounts that were past due and now my score is 563 down from 579.

    hmmm, Equifax as well.

    Experian stayed the same, with 4 accounts in dispute!
  5. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    My score never changes with dispute in progress....
  6. skip

    skip Member

    Just diputed one entry with EQ . Did not change score.
  7. helpwanted

    helpwanted Well-Known Member

    When you guys are disputing these, are you ordering a new report and score with through Creditwatch?

    Because it says Score as of such and such date.

    You have to click on Get new report or something like that in order to see the change in score.

    For some reason, my Equifax report updates, but I have to keep ordering the new report and score to see a change in score... Its free to keep ordering the reports though as long as you are a member of the creditwatch deal.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Yes, I ordered a new report.
  9. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Me report
  10. matt_r

    matt_r Well-Known Member

    Are you with a EQ affiliate, or EQ direct? I'm with CSC and disputes affect my score. HOwever, sometimes it takes a few days to come through because according to CSC, there is a day or two delay in transmitting the data between CSC (the ones that maintain the data) and EQ consumer services (the company that offers Credit Watch).
  11. lyttlemac

    lyttlemac Well-Known Member

    I subscribe to Credit Watch (Equifax), but I've only been able to see the original score I got the day I signed up. I can pull a new credit report every 24 hours, but cannot for the life of me figure out how to get a new score.
    Any suggestions? what am I doing wrong?
  12. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    You have to click on GET A NEW ONE...(AFTER YOU SIGN ON)
  13. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    ...also, it may NOT change very often...
  14. Calmest_LA

    Calmest_LA Well-Known Member

    My score went UP by 18 pts. when I had one account in dispute. When the disputed account came back as unverifyable and the account was deleted, I lost the 18 pts.!!!


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