I got my statement today and my APR was increased from 14.9 to 19.9. They "said" they sent a letter - funny, I never received one. They say it's because of my TU report that pulled in April. Oh well...another credit card goes boom. I've never missed a payment on Discover and they jack my rate based on a report that not even a month later, is much better. I'm disappointed but I'm not gonna be too mad. Their days are numbered. Sweetnsas bka Shantel
By the way....Circuit City INCREASED my CL by $500 in approximately the same time frame? Their reason - excellent payment and usage history. Some of these companies are NOT to be trusted.
No...no new derogs. When they originally pulled my CR, they pulled Equifax. It was clean. This time, they pulled TU....it's always been "dirty". LOL MP...yes, damn them!
Re: Discover jacks up my APR By the way....Circuit City INCREASED my CL by $500 in approximately the same time frame? Their reason - excellent payment and usage history. Some of these companies are NOT to be trusted. SweetnSas ======================= Sure they can be trusted . I say they can't be but they are right and I' m wrong -just ask other posters here!
The same thing happend to me about 4-5 months ago. They "jacked" up the rate for no reason. My report was better when the rates increased then when I initially applied. I put the card in the "drawer" and allowed it to collect dust. Now I only use the card for low interest BT offers, like 3.9%. If you do not get one of these offers, just hold on and they will offer it to you after you pass up their "9.9% BT's". But I will not cancel the card, because I need it for my ratios.
No...no new derogs. When they originally pulled my CR, they pulled Equifax. It was clean. This time, they pulled TU....it's always been "dirty". SweetnSas Anybody see what's wrong with this picture. ?
Well....I decided to keep it. My intention is to BT it to my Cap One Plat that has 9.9% until paid. When Discover offers a lower BT, I'll transfer it back. LOL...that'll fix them!
Sort of funny. My whole credit journey began b/c this happened to me. A hospital collection that was not mine appeared on my Discover and they sent me an APR increase. I was shocked. I got a copy of my TU and immediately corrected the error, but I noticed all sorts of other, more minor errors. The rest is (as they say) history. Discover did not immediately respond to the corrected report, btw. It took over a year to get my APR lowered. So in a way, I am really grateful that Discover did that to me, but I still think it is a shady practice when your history with a particular company is flawless. Particulary since they would not budge when TU sent them the corrected report.