lbrown59: questions for you!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PsychDoc, Jun 14, 2002.

  1. das72071

    das72071 Well-Known Member

    Hostile or not, lbrown59's constant recitation of his mantra "Don't do busness with them" is at best not a very constructive suggestion. Maybe he is independently wealthy and can buy everything(car, house, etc) with cash. Great for him but the rest of us are forced to deal with the reality of our credit scores and dealing with lenders.
  2. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Sorry but I think he is hilarious, and kinda mysteriously um..well..hip yea thats it.
  3. Melvina G

    Melvina G Active Member

    Just to keep this at the top -

    I think all of you are hilarious! I AM a newbie - read and read before I got up the nerve to post a question.

    I especially loved the Purple Suede PPPPP card - it IS rare that I smile before noon - but to have tears rolling from laughter . . . THANKS!!!

    lbrown59 - I'm curious too.

    Melvina G
    TU 622
    Ex 604
    Eq 637
  4. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

  5. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    I could go on and on to answer your question, and back it up with the postings, but it's easier to show you part of my history with lb. You can do a search on lbrown59 and go back to his very first post. You'll find that his 4000+ posts are very similar. His first post was just like most of the rest. The first time I posted to him, I was kidding him and he jumped my butt. I've had words with him after. But then I was curious about his reason(s) for being here. Most people are here for some type of credit repair or rebuilding. Anyway, he chose to not answer me then, and he probably won't answer us now. Thats his perogative. I would like to know why he's here. He doesn't owe me any explanation, but most here do share. So I have kept him on ignore so he can't annoy me, but this post made it past. I hope this somewhat answers your question.
  6. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    I know why he is here! lbrown is the President of Fair Issac. Don't believe me? It is all about reverse psychology (I am very surprised Doc has not caught on to this). Lbrown talks constantly about how bad and discriminatory the system is, so we will disagree with him. We instead invest in our credit reports/scores so we can increase our potential for large credit lines, low interest rates, and high scores. This is what he wants. He makes money off of us.

    He is probably walking around with millions of dollars in his pockets, and a FICO score of 870.
    The reason he has not responded to this post is because he is in Hawaii, relaxing in his $6500 a night room, as he drinks rum runners by the pool, laughing at us.

  7. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Well I do know that he rents (or rented trailers) in is local mobile home parks. This is one of the one things that he has shared with us. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. LOL
  8. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    Lbrown.....You're being called out here. Why not engage the posters here?
  9. Calmest_LA

    Calmest_LA Well-Known Member

    lbrown59 has replied to some of my posts in the past, and I can't remember ever being offended by anything he said. What am I missing here? I like him!!!!!

    His posts always make me laugh or smile, because they are on the surface so "off-the-wall;" yet there is sometimes an element of truth hidden beneath the humor. It's kinda fun trying to read between the lines to see if I can figure out what he really means ;)

    I know my opinion isn't going to be very popular, but I'm feeling sorry for lbrown59 right now. I think he needs a friend.

  10. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Of course I well remember when lbrown59 was covered by CNN: link to CNN story

  11. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    omfg is this true (heh aliens) or a hoax cause if its a hoax someone did really good. I am in tears hahaa.
  12. Calmest_LA

    Calmest_LA Well-Known Member

    RFLMAO...again! This is too funny :) :)
  13. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    Take a chill pill!

    I agree with Calmest_LA.

    There seems to be a "gang mentality" here when it comes to bashing lbrown59.

    Sometimes he makes off the wall comments, and he replies to each point that an OP makes using a different post.

    However, how many other posters here have idiosyncracies that we don't harp on? GEORGE typing in all caps? Doc with his often humorous & edgy, but once in a while patronizing/trolling wit? The numerous drama queens who wouldn't have any luck if it weren't for bad luck? So what?!

    If any of you regularly visit the MSN Your Money board, you are familiar with warpaint1. She's often cryptic, but her lucidity is sometimes right on the money.

    Everyone has the right to self-expression, unless PBM determines otherwise. It's nobody's business if & when lbrown59 lurks here.
  14. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Re: Take a chill pill!

    Bashing? I am not bashing. I consider him a needed entity within this forum. He cracks me up with alot of the dry humor.
  15. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Take a chill pill!

    Rina has a point. After all, we also often overlook Rina's self-righteous and vaguely insulting pronouncements. That being the case, we surely can overlook lbrown59's faults. Good post.

    Doc -- "If you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a sow."
    - Former Texas Governor Ann Richards
  16. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Re: Take a chill pill!

    He adds character to the Sometimes he annoys me, but I'm pretty sure I annoy other people. I am curious about why lbrown is here, but isn't really any of my business. IMHO...he's just part of the flavor of this board and I really love this board :)

    Just my two cents.

  17. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Take a chill pill!

    Oh no, the good Doc is having a bad day.

    Let the flame war begin!

    (And make it quick, you probably have only 10 hours till pbm locks this thread for good :))
  18. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Re: Take a chill pill!

    Rina, you alot smarter than me. I still have yet to comprehend her postings. At least lbrown's I understand. :)

  19. BigH

    BigH Guest

    Re: Take a chill pill!

    Hopefully, PBM would lock the DOC out. Perhaps
    he and Billy B. could start a board together. Ah,
    love is in the air.

  20. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Re: Take a chill pill!

    WTG Rina!! PsycDoc you have totally surprised me!


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