?? about how to read the reports...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tracyb0313, Jun 16, 2002.

  1. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to figure out when a couple of biggies will come off my reports. Ok, Experian says that Sears will come off 4/2003, with my first 30 day late as 4/1996. TU has my paid off (settled) date as 4/1999, but that's the only date they show, other than the opened and updated. EQU shows the date of last activity as 12/1995, R5 7/96, 8/96, 9/96. What does this all mean? How do I know when it's supposed to come off? I like the 4/2003, but I've noticed that EXP has things a little funky. I don't know how to tell if it's going to come off all 3 at the same time.

    Thank you for your help!

  2. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    It depends on how it's being reported...if it is unpaid it's 7years from the date of last activity, if you settled, unfortunately that marks last activity and the clock begins again and it's 7years from then..that's why if you settle, have them agree to remove the negative from your reports...if it's unpaid and they want money, eventually you may get them to agree so both parties benefit..it gives you room to negotiate. Make sure to always get everything in writing.
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    If an acct has been charged off or sent to collections, the clock will NOT restart if a payment is then made.
  4. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    Ok, my sears has been settled. Experian says it comes off inless than a year. do you think it will come off all in that time? If it doesn't, maybe I can dispute it to get it off. I'm just having a hard time getting this one off my report. I can't tell which date to use. With my discover, it's been charged off, and I'm paying a CA thru CCCS. EXP also says this one will come off in April. I don't know where April comes from, I have date of last activity as 10/96. I thought the 7 yrs was from the month you were originally late, but the CRA's don't have that date anywhere on there.

    If it's the date of the last activity, Sears has that date as 12/95. It has R5's for for July, August, and September of 1996. TU has the paid off date as 1999, but the other 2 don't show a date at all.

    I guess where the confusion starts is that the only dates-for anything- that TU shows are update, opened, closed. EQU. shows date opened, closed, and last activity. EXS. shows date opened, status, recent activity. It's all so confusing. I like that EXP. shows the date it will come off w/ them, but I wonder how accurate it is in relation to the other 2 CRA's.

    I'm so confused that I'm afraid I'm talking in circles, and not making my point clearly. I guess if I try really hard to get EVERYTHING off, then I won't have to worry about it. I was just going to focus on other things, if these were coming off in 9-10 months anyway (and these were the 2 worst ones, so I'm afraid they won't be very cooperative)


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