Cap One Plat Auto Finance = NEW CAR

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dogman, Jun 17, 2002.

  1. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Yes it is true. Since my new position requires me to drive around SF to SJ frequently, I decided the 1995 Maxima GLE with 91K needed to be traded or sold. I am getting a new car - for sure FANTASTIC!



    I disputed 9 items on Equifax last week, and my Equifax score went to 626 - up from 601 - in one week. That is my worst!

    I had been thinking about a new car - called WAMU and they said they preferred to do home equity loans - their auto rates were 7% excellent credit to 11% poor credit. I asked if it helped if I actually ad the majority of the purchase in cash in their bank?
    She said they don't do secured auto loans like that -
    my best bet was a dealer. Hmmmm...

    OK, Sunday night, I pulled out my "pre-approved
    $30,000 Cap One Platinum Auto Finance letter out from a couple of months ago, and snapped into

    I punched in my reservation number - remember Sunday night - midnight Cap One time on the east coast - and it said I would recieve an email within a few hours - normal business days.

    I clicked on my email before work, and GOT APPROVED! OK - The details:

    The interest rate is 12.97% - not as bad as I would have thought - BUT - the amount approved is $600
    per month! It has my authorization number and ceretificate right from my printer! The paper will follow it says!

    I called Cap One Auto Finance and asked my limit, because I explained to her I would be receiving additional income (aside from wrk) Nov 1.
    She told me they would carry me up tp 72 months at $600 - and I told her I would probably trade my Maxima and $2500-$3500 cash down, and would like to buy a BMW or Infiniti G35. She said fine - you have what you need from the printed email!

    I have located the car - I am making a run for a 2002 BMW 330Ci - it is black on black - black leather - 5 speed - sunroof. Everything I compare is "almost as good as a BMW." I am 49, single, and have already missed the midlife crisis - I need a BMW! Maybe if I drive a black BMW Coupe, I will get laid...wait a minute - that's what the guy who sold m the Maxima said in Oct 1994!

    I check out everything - tomorrow night in Mountain View - the 330Ci is there now. I will keep it and be happy with it.

    OH yeah - I expect that I will make the smallest payments possible (like 60 or 72 months), then put down a bunch in Nov and probably be done with it at the end of January. My credit will be fantastic going into Nov 2003 - when all the dogs roll off.

    Wish me luck - but I got financing by a click. I know it is a finance company, but it is a Cap One company and my Cap One MC got me here.
    Nope - Mr. Cooke got me here.


    I got an email from Equifax that someone had inquired. I clicked it open and it was CAP ONE. They got Equifax at 25 points higher than last week -AROOOOOOOOO! Snarf - yes MP - I am getting the car in South Bay!

    Life is getting better for the Dogman - I have waited a long time for something like this@!
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Congrats Dogman!!!! A BMW, NICE!!!!


    Ok time for bed, I'm howling like my
  3. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Dogman !! That is great that you got approved for a car loan. Enjoy your new BMW 330Ci. The APR of 12.97 is pretty good.
  4. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Congrats dogman!!!

    Excellent choice in automobiles, BTW.

    Now no smoking those rear wheels :)
  5. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    WOO HOO! Great choice for a vehicle. I'm jealous! That sure is a sharp car. I call it the Silicon Vally Pimpmobile! Everyone (except me) has one. I think I saw the mailroom clerk driving one....just kidding! Maybe 3 years ago! I chose the S.S. Badillac for my riding enjoyment.

    Lets not forget, Allison BMW is TOP NOTCH! I hear nothing but good things about them.

    Oh, and by the way...if you see a Burgandy Cadillac DeVille roll by, that's me (since I work in Mtn. View). See ya on the El Cam! If you need me to go in there and haggle a price down, shoot me a line...I'll make sure they through in the premium sound system for FREE. Can we say DINAN? LOL...

    Toodles! <beep, beep> :-D
  6. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member

    Well actually, that's what I thought when I bought my Miata 6 years ago. It worked ;-> Of course I had to make it a more Manly Man car by adding a roll bar and Borla exhaust but I can't tell you the number of times I heard "oooo! it's sooo cute!" that later led to, um, other test drives.

    Now I would have thought you'd get the BMW M Roadster for a 'just seasoned' crisis? Driving topless does wonders to make you young LOL. Either way, enjoy!!
  7. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    arffff guys...drooling over that bimmer website. My GEICO goes double - I pay $503 every 6 months - it goes to 1102 every six months.

    But the highest limits with a $500 deductible on anything.

    MP - you can check out the vehicle on the Allison website - the only blk 330 coupe - I am holding my breath - because it all seemed to work out so well -
    and the rate was 12.95% !!

    Again, I'll refinance or payoff or pay down - but Cap One didn't limit me to something like $15000.
    You have to spend $30k+ for the nicer toys LOL!
    And this certainly streches the term "$30s"
    However, there are several pieces of fantastic auto design out there: Mini Cooper S ($19k)
    Jetta 1.8T
    Infinti G35
    Honda Civic...I considered all of those as well...

    Hey I have rent control LOL!
    man oh man oh man oh man

    aarrrff - dogman
  8. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    MP$40 I know - I should drive by any internet space and snag a deal from the sales signs of the BMWs for sale --- just take it off th ex-emplyees hands.
    I did see in the excite@home auction, there was one BMW 540i corp car for sale....

    lol dogman
  9. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Ha! Yep...and just think...people around here were BIG PIMPIN in their 2000 Beemers a few years ago. Now they all got REPO's on their reports! LOL...

    My best friend's boyfriend works for Security at Cisco. He said that for a while they were assisting tow companies with repos left and right. Guess he has to stand by and witness for liability reasons. He told me that the most popular car that was getting repoed was the Silver 4-door 3 series. He said he even witness a few Porches and Corvettes getting swooped up on but the best was when he saw a Mercedes S 600 get scooped. He said that was a sad sad day.

    I think things might be turning around. I've spotted FIVE BENTLEYs rollin around Silicon Valley. I guess people really can afford that $9k/mo car payment nowadays. Gee, I wonder where they work...and are they hiring?? LOL....
  10. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Saw you car on the web. TIGHT!!!!! I LIKES...I LIKES! That's all they want for it???? Wow...makes me wonder how I can be down with a BMW! I thought it was going to be WAY more than that.

    I saw all the options....NICE! Is it an automatic or 5sp?
  11. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    WOOPS! I thought the milage was the price of the vehilce.....ROFLOL! OH WOW....

    Just re-read your post. I must be tired. I didn't know you were buying a NEW one...I thought you were buying the used black one that's on their site. Regardless....that one is nice to.
  12. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Congrats! That's an amazing accomplishment ;)
    You'll really enjoy the BMW. May I suggest the Coach black leather cd holder as an appropriate accessory ;)
  13. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    And you can get personalized plates that say:


    *=the star symbol on the kid's plates since DOGMAN is probably taken. Just check the DMV's taken. But the one I suggested above is free! Let me know and I'll help you fill out the DMV paperwork.

    One of the Execs at my job drives a Electric Blue 5 series with the company's stock symbol on the Coastal License Plates.

    Can you tell I'm excited? LOL...
  14. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member







  15. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member can only be 7 letters. If use are using one of the characters on the kids plates (star, heart, plus, or hand) it can only be 6 letters and a symbol.

    On a good note, SNAPDIT is available! LOL...that would be a great plate as well.
  16. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    From a Maxima GLE to a BMW 330 ...

    Upward AND Mobile :)) LOL

    Congrats DOG - Big Arffffff

    -Peace, Dave

    PS this car goes MUCH safe. :)
  17. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    I need to follow through on this transaction - I hope its there and done tomorrow night - but I can make the other numbers work thanks to EQUIFAX bumping my up and CapOne hitting on the new number.

    I have to admit - the Cap One pre-approved offers
    seem to pan out for me, again, after a lot of time and perfect pymts and Mr. Cooke "switching me" to Plat prime.

    I keep thinking of Sam and his Audi at like 7 or 8%..
    That's right on - but I'll refi or pay down or off relatively quickly.

    GEICO said I am already covered - just tell them the VIN number within 30 days..

    aarrfff - thx dave dogman
  18. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Well... while for fico purposes moving installment loans to revolving isn't ideal...

    a new Cap1 Plat with 0 intro rate could off load some of that interest rate... you could always try for a new card, get the terms, combine credit lines... you'd lose aging but could gain 6 mos or more of free financing... just a thought... I know someone who paid off a Small car loan remaining balance with a Cap1 Plat bt offer at 0 percent...

    is the installment loan actually with Cap1 or a comany affiliated with Cap1?

    Of course, once your file is clean you could just do a refi car loan or use a Citi or another bt offer to get yourself a free or 2 percent auto loan :) it's great when you use these offers in an intelligent manner!
  19. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    I will get it lower one way or the other - but I do like the way they do it by qualifying max monthly payment...

    This wll help me - I don't have an installment loan...
    thx marie ----

    what about Vegas? LOL

    and yes all! If I am diving this deep, I want a custom license plate - that is slick - so katy, unlock the door and let em in ....

    aarrffff dogman
  20. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    Keep us posted on the details of your purchase of the car. We are looking at getting a 325i sedan at the end of the year. It will be a bitter sweet situation.
    I hate going to the dealership and having to deal with car salesmen. I've heard stuff like "well we service what we sell" when I told them the same branded dealership 100 miles away has the same car for a couple of thousand less everyday. I wanted to say to him old man do you think I'm some $%^&*ing idiot. You can go to ANY [same branded] dealership and get your car serviced!!!

    An Ugly little Website with alot of GOOD advice

    A nice website with Info about all cars. (Go to "Research" and not "Purchase" cars)

    I'D sell that MAX straight out. Some Nissan affectionado will give you more than the dealership.


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