Some of you may have noticed GEORGE's recent byline: GEORGE~~A.K.A. RODNEY DANGERFIELD LOST 700 CLUB MEMBER CARD... 114 POINTS TILL THE 800 CLUB (NO LONGER FROZEN) AMEX BLUE 9.99%!!!!!! Copyright © "RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR" 769 POSTS TILL RETIREMENT It seems as thopugh our very own GEORGE is planning on RETIRING from creditnet after the next 769 posts. I, for one, will do all in my power to stop that from happening. Please join me by adding the following line to this post - with your signature: NO! NO! WE WON'T LET GEORGE GO! Signed, Mark LA
Re: Stop George's Retirement Fan Cl George.... You can't just leave us like this!!!! Stay, George, stay!!!