Is there anyone out there that can see any danger in asking original creditors for old statement copies? I am wanting to find out what the correct age-off dates are for each account on my credit report.
why not just pursue validation?? if they are able to validate, they will provide you with a copy of original contract and you can modify your validation request to ask for statement to determine charge off date? i doubt they would do it in response to a regular request besides, a regular request would have no leverage. They are legally bound to validate your alleged debts and if they cannot, they must delete!
No but they DO have to substantiate the debt if asked. Just don't use FDCPA. The FCRA speaks to "furnishers of information" and covers the OC. For one thing if they are the ones reporting the debt thay cannot do so unless the report is accurate and complete. In other words, they cannot report a debt that does not exist. And it does not exist unless they can prove it, (excluding the moral delimna). B.