Why do I feel so INTIMIDATED???

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by girliegirl, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    There are two local collection agencies that are trying to collect old hospital bills for our local hospital. Between the two of them, there are over $2500 in bills for my children. However, I worked at this hospital for 7 years and during that time, I had payroll deduction and paid off several thousand dollars in hospital bills.

    So... to make a long story short, I have asked for validation of the bills that the CA's are trying to collect, just to make sure that I haven't already paid some of them. Both CA's have had five months to provide validation, and both sent me a letter telling me that it the hospital required me to go there in person to get copies of the bills - plus they never, ever, made notations on my credit reports that the accounts were being disputed. So last week, I sent out my final letter - giving them 10 days or I would sue them (sent copy of Wollmann opinion letter, too, regarding medical collections.)

    I am sooooooo nervous now. I don't know why I let these people get to me. Maybe I'm afraid I'll have to actually go to court.

    Sorry, y'all. I am just venting, really. Promise me, promise me... if I do have to take these a$$holes to court, you guys will help me. I have never been to court for ANYTHING!!!
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Relax!!!! You know we are all here for you. I too am going to court, not credit related, custody related (June 25th) and it scares the hell out of me. I'm sure for the same reasons as you. You feel as though you've covered all your bases, but then in the back of your mind you think, what if the judge questions something you are completely unprepared/unfamiliar with? What if you freeze up?

    Judges don't bite, for all you know the CA will go away.

    You have definate violations, it's not your job to go to the hospital, besides what if you moved 4000 miles away? Second, you had med bills deducted from your check, for all you know it was never credited correctly. You have asked for proof, they can't provide it it should be deleted. I say on day 11 you go for the throat.
  3. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    Thanks KHM - I feel better now. Good luck to you on your custody hearing - I will pray that all goes well for you. You're right - I am petrified. I guess it is because until I found this board, I pretty much never addressed my old credit issues - and I do feel bad about it. But that is my thinking - that some of these bills have been paid (not all of them, I know) but I did make payments for seven years and a third of the bills that they are trying to collect - the dates of service were during the time period that I worked there. (Isn't it horrible to owe so much, you don't even know what you truly owe???)

    Thanks for the encouragement - and thanks for answering my posts. :)
  4. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    going to court can be intimidating...but if you have to go just post on this board and people will give you help.

    I'm a paralegal so I know what court is about and it doesn't intimidate me...but here is a suggestion...take a day off from work and go to court just to listen to what's going on. When you see other cases and how they are handled you will know what you will need to do. It is like going to "small claims" school.

  5. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Ha! I'm a paralegal too, and the first action I filed pro se in US District Court was intimidating to me....lol. I got past that really fast after I had actually filed, though.

  6. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    I did my divorce "pro se"...it was a simple no kids less than 4 years case...but it was my first going it alone. The judge got a pretty good kick out of it. In fact when some atty showed up in the court room he told them to sit down and listen to a "real" cross exam.

    Fortunately this judge was still in family court when I went after my ex for the money...he signed the bench warrant for me...and when my ex showed up in court with the sheriff's the judge wouldn't let him go until he coughed up the dough...plus he let me appear by telephone.

    So I learned alot and I realized that the courts are for everyone...not just attys. In fact many attys are at a disadvantage with a pro se adversary as many judges will not let them beat up on a pro se...

    hope this little story helps, girlie.

  7. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member


    Don't worry. You have the law and everyone here as your support. If you have to file, it sounds like they will cave.


    Wow!! You have so much experience and knowledge behind you. I'd hate to be up against you in court! ;-)
  8. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the encouraging words, you guys. I just hate confrontation... but then again, I am tired of letting these CA's run over me, too. (I have actually developed a rather nice backbone since finding this board!) :)

    One other thing - does anybody know how much it costs to file in small claims court? The CA's signed for my letters on the 15th, so on the morning of the 26th, I am going to file. (Thank goodness I get paid on the 25th... timed it just right, huh?)

    :) Thanks again. Y'all are the greatest.
  9. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    I developed my backbone about 1 month of finding this website. It just has that effect on you!!

    In my area, it's aboout $125 if I remember correctly. I think most places are around that much give or take.
  10. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Here it costs either $50 or $35, can't remember, they served the defendent too (the CA is in state)....
  11. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    Wow - much cheaper than I thought - whether it is $35 or $125. I was thinking (I don't know why) that it would be about $250 for each. (There are two of them - and they are local.) Whew. That's a relief.
  12. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    to find out what the filing fee is just call your county courthouse...it differs from state to state and county to county. Another thing to ask is if your court has a "pro se" help desk. While they can't give you legal advice they can provide you with the forms which makes a pro se filing pretty easy.

    Let us know your progress and good luck!

  13. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    I'll keep you all posted - hopefully, I won't have to file.

    I was talking to one of my really good friends about it (he just finished medical school - I told him he should have gone to LAW SCHOOL!!!) and he brought up a good point. He said, "Just remember - you are not the one who is gonna be on trial - they are. Whether those bills are yours or not is irrelevant. They broke the laws, so they are the ones in the hot seat - not you." I just hope the judge sees it that way!

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