I hate to admit this.. but I used to work for Perimeter Credit, Gulf State Credit...etc etc...I knew that the names sounded familiar but I just couldn't figure out from where. Perimeter collected Bally's (that's what I did) and Gulf State did Discover. There was another one, forgot the name, that did Student Loans (THOSE people were monsters) Anyone have any questions, I bet I have answers! BTW, they are crappy towards the employees also, that's why I quit when I became pregnant and they didn't care that I had to be on bedrest and called me to come into work..... Man, I can't believe this! Oh I also worked for GC Services...........yeah I know I'm sad, you can beat me with a wet noodle....
Give us some details on things you think might benefit someone....think back on the system they used...I know alot of people on this board have been beating their heads against a wall with gulfstate especially....something to the effect of...how's their record keeping?
Well here is one secret....Gulf State WILL NOT sue....I remember a 'friend' worked across from me and she handled GS, she used to beat her head because she couldn't collect the balance from the DB (debtor) so used to scream about how she wishes she could just sue those people. Yeah, you'll get an official looking letter about lawsuits and such but they won't sue. CAs will RARELY sue you. I used to do collections for GMAC and I saw $40K+ accounts that just got rotated over and over, they won't sue (GC Servcs does GMAC) As for Perimeter Credit and Bally's I can't tell you how many Bally's accounts weren't eve legit accounts. Bally's is HORRIBLE, SNEAKY, SLIMY do NOT do biz with them AT ALL The reason that perimeter did what they did is because they bought crap accounts. None of the paper was good on Bally's on occasion you'd collect $50 here or there but nothing signifigant. I do remember while working there a lady sued them (NOT small claims btw) and won $3.5 mil we had an all day FDCPA meeting LOL I knew they'd get it eventually, they NEVER told us to give the mini-miranda (This is an attempt to collect a debt any information obtained will be used for that purpose) GC Serv on the other hand did all but beat it into us. yet they still did underhanded crap too. None of these places are worthy, or legal for that matter. If you're getting calls from Gulf State good luck, sue 'em I say you'll get more done that way! LOL Their record keeping sucks, and they pull CBR (credit reports) all day long. They are pretty underhanded. Their training isn't relaly training, so I figure that if you get a small taperecorder and even tell the collector that you're recording they won't know to say the mini-miranda. You'll have them right there, that's a violation of the FDCPA. They have validation form letters that they send out (it is generic, "we've validated this debt, pay us now") I'm positive that you can find a TON to get these people on. I would sit there and watch the GS collectors do 'talk-offs' and would just shake my head, they would threaten ANYTHING, yell, curse it didn't matter, that's what they were told to do! Get an atty, they are a little scared of attys and will stop calling (at least that is what we were told back in '97, was to NOT call accts with attys) Hope this helps, I'll be happy to answer anything I didn't cover or clear up anything that I might have confused. Thanks! I really hope this helps someone......those people are terrible up there..to the DBs and the employees, the health ins was pretty good though lol
Thanx for the inside scoop...I'm sure someone will find your post very helpful and promising to their situation!!!!!!
are you talking about Financial asset managments in Atlanta,, which is part of the gulf states group, if so,,, let me know,,, I sure can use some help.,, thanks
Yep, they were in the same building, actually the same office/wharehouse LOL It's all the same company..... let me know if you need info I can tell you what I know!
I meant to say, if that company is who I'm thinking about, they were in the same office. We had a TON of 'companies' Gulf State Credit...Perimeter Credit....Account Portfolios.....and a ton more that I have since forgotten (I would probably remember them if i heard them again). All of them are the same company, as in the clerical stuff was done by the SAME exact women (interesting isn't it how women wer ein the clerical office and all the men were the managers and VPs, oh wait they had the token women managers.....). hope this helps a little
How does the compensation work? Are the employees on comission? Get bonuses? How much $$ doe the collectors make? What is the experience level of the employees, turn-over rate, etc? Get together after work for drinks and "high-fives" to compare notes. Just curious. -Cliff
None of these places are worthy, or legal for that matter. If you're getting calls from Gulf State good luck, sue 'em I say you'll get more done that way! LOL Their record keeping sucks, and they pull CBR (credit reports) all day long. They are pretty underhanded. atlmom ====================== Why is legal for an illegal outfit to report their illegal activities to the CRAs???
because, it's big business.......big business..big money....big number of attys........and a general population who hasn't a clue.......
Well, let's see I got paid like $8.75/hr I think it was we got bonues but the system is SCREWY! you had to collect so much money, well you only got a percentage (40%) of what you actually collected, then your bonus was calculated by percentage of the percentage.....confused yet? LOL Like this; You got your monthly budget, let's say $40K Well you would really have to collect $100K in actual money. Then let's say you collected $50K of your budget (so really $125K) Well you would only get say 1% of what you went over, so even though I collected them an extra actual $25K I would only get $1,000. 1% of $10,000. Does that make sense? it is VERY hard to get a bonus. I never got one working at GC Serv. because their system is even WORSE! You had to collect at least 25% OVER your budget to get a bonus. so there was a whole OTHER fraction problem, and i'm pretty sure that most of the people working there couldn't spell fraction let alone do a math problem involving them LOL The managers' bonuses were a percentage of what the collectors under them collected, so you were CONSTANTLY hounded to collect more money (you were making your manager money...which his bonus was MUCH easier to get) As for drinks after work..nahh an old manager of mine used to take the new hires to lunch and get them all good and high and come back to work (no wonder he liked his job so much) he only took the guys though......hmmm LOL so, no I never went and smoked a joint during lunch, I found out that he did after I quit and talked to an old friend that still worked there, she told me about him getting caught and fired. We did sit in the breakroom and smoke and talk about all the stupid stories we would hear (boy we would hear some good ones too..."my cat just died and I had to pay the funeral costs...") Or we would study CBRs to see what info we could get (what asssets does this guy have that I can get into?) Honestly, I ALWAYS got into trouble for helping the DBs out, I would educate them on the FDCPA and tell them how we were violating it, my managers never figured out that I had actually told a lady to go get an atty and file suit against GC Services for violations of teh FDCPA, I don't know if they got sued or not, I went to work for Perimeter credit shortly after lol. Honestly, I never knew ANYTHING about a collection agency, never had a bad debt or anything, until I started working for one. I never knew about how horrible they are to people. The pay was ok, it paid my car note and bought me cigarettes at the time, and it paid the rent (parents charge cheap rent lol) and the ins was pretty good too. So it wasn't until MUCH later that I learned how backwards some agencies are. GC services for example, trained the employees, you got one week of training, you learned the FDCPA the companies policies, all that good stuff, and you HAD to know it. The did a pretty good job of protecting themselves (except for that one manager that pissed me off and I told the lady how to sue him and gave her ALL the names of the higher ups, to include in her suit , she had a suit believe me...hope she followed through). Perimetere credit though, their training was "Here sit next this guy for 3 days then go to that desk and do what he does...." No FDCPA no talk-off training..NOTHING...no wonder they got fined!!!!! Oh and lastly, most of the people working at these places are just doing it because they have a bill to pay or something LOL not many people are making this their career. I mean scum off the street is who you are talking to. No one is making any money (except for the upper management) contrary to popular belief. I can't tell you how many times people would say "wow I bet you made a lot of money!" I had ONE paycheck where I got over $1000 that was becasue I got my usual $500 paycheck and a bonus check of like $600. So no they aren't paid on handsome commisions, it takes a LOT of work to get that commision. HOpe this answered your questions...let me know if you ahve any more...or if anyone has any names of the managers they've talked to..email them to me I want to know if they are the same ones as when I was there..lol Take Care!
And when you try to give them the facts they would rather flame the messenger than take action.I guess it's just their way of trying to keep their heads burried in the sand.They don't want to be woke up out of their comfort zone.
YUP!!!!! It's cheaper to settle in small claims with the few who DO have a clue..........then to just do it right! that's why I say, find an atty skilled in the art of the FDCPA and SUE SUE SUE...insto-millionaries all around! LOL
Thanks for the insight... I have often wondered about the things you elaborated on. It would be interesting to hear stories from someone formerly employed at the CRAs as well. Thanks again, -Cliff
I don't have issues with this CA, but if I did, it would certainly be helpful to have the above insights about filing suits against the CA's listed in the thread WOW!!!
You know, ATLMOM's description is probably not far off from the Customer Service organization of many major companies. MyPC Manufacturer, for example: I got the feeling reently that I knew much more than the Customer Service individual that I was talking to. -Cliff
Thanx Altmom, WELCOME to the board. You'll prove to be one of the most valuable assets around here. Hats off for joined the "good" side. here is everything you need to know loser ACCOUNT PORTFOLIOS, INC. (DELAWARE) Corporate Officers (GA Corp # K 819630 Gulf State Credit LLC) CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER BRYAN FALIERO 3300 NE EXPWY BLDG 1 STE MATLANTA, GEORGIA 30341 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER DAVID E KING 3300 NE EXPWY BLDG 1 STE MATLANTA, GEORGIA 30341 SECRETARY TYLER T ZACHERY 3300 NE EXPWY BLDG 1 STE MATLANTA, GEORGIA 30341 For more information about OSI or to arrange an interview, call 1-800-487-2005. Call 800-425-0006 or 800-514-5895 The street address is: 2425 Commerce Avenue Duluth, GA 30036 The Corporate Headquarters telephone number is: 678-417-5000 OSI Portfolios Services, Inc. Bryan Faliero (67 417-5000 E-Mail: bryan.faliero@osi.to Professional Member of Debt Buyers Association @ DEBTBUYERS.COM Debt Buyers' Association 10440 Pioneer Blvd., Suite 2 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670-8235 Phone (562) 903-7222 * Fax (562) 903-7277 Hereâ??s Gulf State Credit web site: bryan.faliero@osi.to/publ...ninfo.html www.debtmarketplace.com/b...rix.html#o www.budhibbs.com/agencies_avoid.htm www.creditmania.com/default.asp GULF STATE CREDIT, LLC 2425 Commerce Avenue, Bldg 2100, Suite 100 duluth GA 30096 PO Box 105460, Atlanta, GA 30348-5460 License # A586 issued 8/26/98H 770-451-4862 Branch: AZ; GA: MO; TX OSI HOLDINGS CORP. Corporate Officers Title Name Address CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER DAVID B. KREISS 300 GALLERIA PKWY STE 690ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30339 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER ALLEN CAPSUTO 300 GALLERIA PKWY STE 690ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30339 SECRETARY DAVID E. KING 101 EAST 52ND ST 31ST FLRNEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022 OSI PORTFOLIO SERVICES, INC. Corporate Officers K609594 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER BRIAN FALIERO 2425 COMMERCE AVE BD2100 #100DULUTH, GEORGIA 30096 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER STEVEN WENDLING 2425 COMMERCE AVE BD2100 #100DULUTH, GEORGIA 30096 Unregistered User 7/26/01 7:29:48 pm Reply Sue the Bastards Chumpster CONFORMED NAME: GULF STATE CREDIT LLP CIK: 0001058635 ASSIGNED SIC: IRS NUMBER: 510369044 STATE OF INCORPORATION: DE FISCAL YEAR END: 1231 FILING VALUES: FORM TYPE: 10-K ACT: 34 FILE NUMBER: 333-15867-40 FILM NUMBER: 98584782 BUSINESS ADDRESS: STREET1: 390 SOUTH WOODS MILL RD CITY: CHESTERFIELD STATE: MO ZIP: 63017 PHONE: 3145760022 MAIL ADDRESS: STREET1: 390 SOUTH WOODS MILL RD CITY: CHESTERFIELD STATE: MO ZIP: 63017 678-417-5000 800-240-0324 OSI Portfolio Services, Inc. 2425 Commerce Avenue Duluth, GA 30036 bryan.faliero@osi.to/publ...ninfo.html www.debtmarketplace.com/b...rix.html#o www.budhibbs.com/agencies_avoid.htm www.creditmania.com/default.asp www.freeedgar.com/search/...CREDIT+LLP GULF STATE CREDIT, LLC 2425 Commerce Avenue, Bldg 2100, Suite 100 duluth GA 30096 PO Box 105460, Atlanta, GA 30348-5460 License # A586 issued 8/26/98H 770-451-4862 Branch: AZ; GA: MO; TX OSI HOLDINGS CORP. Corporate Officers Title Name Address CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER DAVID B. KREISS 300 GALLERIA PKWY STE 690ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30339 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER ALLEN CAPSUTO 300 GALLERIA PKWY STE 690ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30339 SECRETARY DAVID E. KING 101 EAST 52ND ST 31ST FLRNEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022 OSI PORTFOLIO SERVICES, INC. Corporate Officers K609594 Title Name Address CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER BRIAN FALIERO 2425 COMMERCE AVE BD2100 #100DULUTH, GEORGIA 30096 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER STEVEN WENDLING 2425 COMMERCE AVE BD2100 #100DULUTH, GEORGIA 30096 ITEM 10. DIRECTORS AND EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF THE REGISTRANT Directors of the Company are elected annually by its shareholders to serve during the ensuing year or until a successor is duly elected and qualified. Executive officers of the Company are duly elected by its Board of Directors to serve until their respective successors are elected and qualified. The following table sets forth certain information with respect to the directors and executive officers of the Company. Continued ...
Continued ... Name Age Position or Office ---- --- ------------------ Jeffrey E. Stiefler 52 Chairman of the Board of Directors Timothy G. Beffa 47 Director, President and Chief Executive Officer David E. De Leeuw 53 Director David E. King 39 Director, Secretary and Treasurer Tyler T. Zachem 32 Director and Vice President David G. Hanna 34 Director Frank J. Hanna, III 36 Director Dennis G. Punches 62 Director Nathan W. Pearson, Jr. 46 Director Daniel J. Dolan 45 Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer JEFFREY E. STIEFLER (52), Chairman of the Board of Directors since January 10, 1996. Previously, Mr. Stiefler was President and Director of American Express Company, where he had previously served in various capacities since 1983, including President and Chief Executive Officer of IDS Financial Services. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Stiefler held various positions with the Meritor Financial Group, including Chairman of the Meritor Savings Bank Florida and the Meritor Savings Bank Washington D.C., and Citicorp, including Vice President and Regional Business Manager of the New York Banking Division and Senior Vice President and Regional Business Manager of Nationwide Financial Services. Mr. Stiefler currently serves as a director of National Computer Systems and chairman of International Data Response Corporation. TIMOTHY G. BEFFA (47), President, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Outsourcing Solutions Inc. since August 1996. From August 1995 until August 1996, Mr. Beffa served as President and Chief Operating Officer of DIMAC Corporation ("DIMAC") and DIMAC DIRECT Inc. ("DDI") and as a director of DDI. From 1989 until August 1995, Mr. Beffa served as a Vice President of DIMAC and as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of DDI. Prior to joining DIMAC, Mr. Beffa was Vice President of Administration and Controller for the International Division of Pet Incorporated, a food and consumer products company, where he previously had been manager of Financial Analysis. DAVID E. DE LEEUW (53), Director of the Company since September 21, 1995. Mr. De Leeuw is a managing general partner of MDC Management Company III, L.P., which is the general partner of McCown De Leeuw & Co. III, L.P. and McCown De Leeuw & Co. III (Europe), L.P., a managing general partner of MDC Management company IIA, L.P., which is the general partner of McCown De Leeuw & Co. III (Asia), L.P. and a member of Gamma Fund, LLC. Prior to founding McCown De Leeuw & Co. with George E. McCown in 1984, Mr. De Leeuw was Manager of the Leveraged Acquisition Unit and Vice President in the Capital Markets Group at Citibank, N.A. Mr. De Leeuw also worked with W.R. Grace & Co. where he was Assistant Treasurer and manager of Corporate Finance. Mr. De Leeuw began his career as an investment banker with Paine Webber Incorporated. He currently serves as a director of Vans, Inc., AmeriComm Holdings, Inc., Nimbus CD International, Inc., Aurora Foods Inc. and American Residential Inventory Trust. DAVID E. KING (39), Secretary, Treasurer and Director of the Company since September 21, 1995. Mr. King is a general partner of MDC management Company III, L.P., which is the general partner of McCown De Leeuw & Co. III, L.P., and McCown De Leeuw & Co. Offshore (Europe) III, L.P. a general partner of MDC Management Company IIIA, L.P., which is the general partner of McCown De Leeuw & Co. III (Asia), L.P. and a member of Gamma Fund, LLC. Mr. King has been associated with McCown De Leeuw & Co. since 1990. He currently serves as a director of AmeriComm Holdings, Inc., International Data Response Corporation, Fitness Holdings Inc., RSP Manufacturing Corporation and Sarcom. TYLER T. ZACHEM (32), Vice President and Director of the Company since September 21, 1995. Mr. Zachem is a principal of MDC Management Company III, which is the general partner of McCown De Leeuw & Co. III; and McCown De Leeuw & Co. III (Europe), L.P., and a principal of MDC Management Company IIIA, L.P., which is the general partner of McCown De Leeuw & Co. III (Asia), L.P. Mr. Zachem has been associated with McCown De Leeuw & Co. since July 1993. Mr. Zachem previously worked as a consultant with McKinsey & Co. and as an investment banker with McDonald & Company. He currently serves as a director of RSP Manufacturing Corporation, The Brown Schools, Inc., Aurora Foods Inc. and Papa Gino's Inc. DAVID G. HANNA (34), Director of the Company since September 21, 1995. From November 1992 to September 1995, Mr. Hanna served as President of Account Portfolios, L.P. From 1988 to November 1992, Mr. Hanna served as President of the Governmental Division of Nationwide Credit, Inc., administering contracts for government agencies including the Department of Education Student Loans program. David G. Hanna is the brother of Frank J. Hanna, III. FRANK J. HANNA, III (36), Director of the Company since September 21, 1995. Mr. Hanna founded Account Portfolios, L.P. in July 1990, and served as its Chief Executive Officer until its acquisition by OSI in September 1995. From February 1988 to January 1990, Mr. Hanna served as Group Vice President of Nationwide Credit, Inc., a large accounts receivable management company. Frank J. Hanna III is the brother of David G. Hanna. Mr. Hanna currently serves as a director of Cerulean Companies, Inc. DENNIS G. PUNCHES (62), Director of the Company since November 1996. From May 1988 to October 1988 and from January 1990 to November 1996, Mr. Punches served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Payco American Corporation. From October 1988 to January 1990, Mr. Punches served as Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Payco American Corporation. From 1969 to January 1990, Mr. Punches served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Payco American Corporation. NATHAN W. PEARSON, JR. (46), Director of the Company since July 1997. Mr. Pearson is an operating affiliate of McCown De Leeuw & Co. Mr. Pearson has been affiliated with McCown De Leeuw since 1997. Since 1996, Mr. Pearson has been Managing Director of Commonwealth Holdings, a private investment firm. From 1988 to 1995, Mr. Pearson was Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Broadcasting Partners, L.L.C., a radio broadcasting leveraged buyout organization and since 1995, Mr. Pearson has been a principal of investment and management of Broadcasting Partners, L.L.C. Prior to joining Broadcasting Partners, L.L.C., Mr. Pearson was a management consultant with McKinsey and Company from 1982 to 1988. DANIEL J. DOLAN (45), Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Company since October 1997. Mr. Dolan has 23 years experience in public accounting, the last 11 years as a partner of Ernst & Young LLP.