WTH??? Is e-loan and TU score.....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by atlmom, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. atlmom

    atlmom Well-Known Member

    the same? if so how in the WORLD did I get 61 points over the weekend? and I didn't do anything?

    Or are they 2 totally different scores?

    ya know when I first researched this whole 'scoring' thing I HATED it......now I hate it even more......
  2. mattg554

    mattg554 Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF??? Is e-loan and TU score.

    Nope, they aren't the same. The TU one is generally f'd up from what I've read. E-Loan uses CreditXpert to generate their scores.

    My E-Loan score is ~605, and my TU score is 552. They've been vastly different everytime I've checked them.
  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF??? Is e-loan and TU score.

    TU's score is generally higher than eloan, but eloan appears to be more accurate. TU tells me I have a 663 score, but eloan drops it down to 629, which is closer to what my real score is since I still haven't paid down my cc balances...lol.

  4. atlmom

    atlmom Well-Known Member

    Re: WTF??? Is e-loan and TU score.

    Hmm that's interesting because this what I have...

    06/02-E-loan 556
    06/02-TU 495
    04/02-EQ 534

    as you can see the EL is highest.........hmmmmm maybe I'm just defective? LOL ;)

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