I've just begun to start to dispute inquiries on some of my credit reports with the CRA's. To this point I just wanted to clean up some of my negative tradelines which I have done sucessfully. I noticed that when reading some of the inquiries that, I NEVER applied for credit with these companies nor do I or did I ever have an account with them or owe them money. Some I noticed were: Kohl's : I never applied for credit nor did I ever shop at Kohls. My wife did however apply in the past but she DID NOT fill the application out as JOINT, thus never supplying Kohls with my info. CitiFinancial : My wife has a bad debt with them from long ago and before I even met her. They pulled my credit file though?? They are NOT reported on my credit report nor have I ever had an account or applied for credit with them. Collectech : This I am familar with because it is a collection agency which is trying to collect on an old Verizon phone account in my wife's name only. They recently could not validate on my wife's credit file and sent me a letter stating they would delete. Why did they pull my credit report?? I don't owe them money?? What gives with these people! As stated none of the above were ever given my permission to pull my credit report nor have I ever applied for credit or owed any of these companies money. What steps should I take in this matter? Could I get some money out of these people? FYI : None of the above are reporting any negative account info on my credit report, it just shows as hard inquiries, thus hurting my score and done illegally. Thanks! Tac
I have a question. When you say send them each $1,000 demand letter, are you saying to send it to the CRA's, or the companies that made the inquiries?