Credit Applications

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tea, Jun 19, 2002.

  1. tea

    tea Well-Known Member

    I want to apply for a credit which should it be my credit is not that good at all. I was approved for 1st Premier. But I am curious to see if I can get approved for another one.
  2. BiznoteGuy

    BiznoteGuy Well-Known Member

    Congrats on getting that card, but if your credit is not good at all, you should probably try to fix the "bad stuff" first. It will allow you to later get a better card and get out of subprime territory.
  3. tea

    tea Well-Known Member

    I have been fixin but i am just curious to see............any suggest of cards that i may qualify for??
  4. SweetnSas

    SweetnSas Well-Known Member

    I urge you to resist the urge to "see". If your credit isn't good, the priority should be working on the negatives. If you continue to apply and possible be denied, the lower your score, the more inquiries hurt your score.

    You didn't mention what your scores are now, but like the other poster said, I'd wait until your credit improves.

  5. tea

    tea Well-Known Member

    ok ok ok dang ...... ok

    Thanks for the support

  6. SweetnSas

    SweetnSas Well-Known Member


    You're welcome for the support.

    I have been in your situation and it's so hard to *not* wait (ask Mark LA). But it's equally devestating to get the denial letter and equally upsetting to see your score tank for inquiries.

    Just hold on for a few months!

  7. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    good advice Sweet :)
    I soooo feel tea's pain. Be strong, Be brave. Resist temptation!
    (I mean regarding cc applications . al lthe other stuff in life - feel free :)
  8. KCPaul

    KCPaul Well-Known Member

    so what is the hit for an inquiry and rejection? 1 -6 -10pts?
    I paid off a car loan (sold car) and dropped 15pts!!
    Hard to understand sometimes!
  9. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    For some weird ass reason it seems as though the cra's like to see an installment loan on file.
    i've read hear about others who paid off their car loan and saw their score drop.
    i dunno why.

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