Hi, I have a debt whose last activity was 3/94. Experian and transunion had acknowleded those dates as equifax had a few years ago, (all copies of which I have) and have removed them...yet equifax has 'sold" the debt to an equifax affiliated collection agency and has changed the dates several times and it is still showing up on my equifax report as not expired. I am in the process of purchasing a home, and need this resolved. What is the best way to get them to stop this. Is it necessary for me to send them the copies of the old credit reports with the correct dates? Thank you!
I wouldn't send them anything. I would send the CA validation as I would in any other situation...followup with the 2nd validation letter and then estoppel. At that point, I would fax them a copy of the complaint I would at that point intend to file and give them 48 hours to contact me to work towards some type of resolution and if they had not contacted me at that point, I would file. Unfortunately, there aren't any "fast" ways to deal with credit issues. L
Unfortunately, there aren't any "fast" ways to deal with credit issues. whyspers =========================== not everything is slow. Dreogs.and Errors occur at lighting speed.