I have a couple of old negatives which will drop off my Equifax report on 9/02 and 11/02 and 01/03 from Experian (no idea why there is a difference). I believe that I had read here that you can sometimes ask CRAs to remove such information if they are going to come off anyway very soon. Anybody know how to do this? How would you dispute them? I have tried the normal ways but they come back as verified. I guess I just can't wait to see my reports clean. Thank you! Mark
I can't even remember all the ways since I have disputing them since last Nov. I was wondering if there is a specific way to dispute items which will come off in 3-4 months. Also I know that Equifax removes based on the date of last activity. Experian reports until when an item will stay on a report. What about Transunion? Which date are they going with? Thank you! Mark
Something like: "Sirs, Your entry says it will come off in 4 months but my records indicate it should come off next month. Please varify or remove." They won't waste their time on it. In your case though, since you've already done so much with these it may not work. B.