AGENCY COLLECTORS . Correctly deemed the worst-type of collection agents! They too operate from a computer database that contains all of the information regarding you, provided to them by the original creditor. When an outside agency gets your account, it has been 'charged-off' for non-payment. They too make more then 200-250 calls a day and the name of their game is also... $$ MONEY $$! . An agency collector receives a commission averaging from 15-25% of what they can collect. Most are paid bonuses if they hit a quota and a good collector can make $40-60K per year, if they work hard. However, most collectors are fortunate to make half of that amount. The problem is that the majority of them (70-80%) routinely step over the line to increase the monetary rewards of their actions. The debt collection business is plagued with a huge turnover in employees and by that nature, is a largely transient industry. Unfortunately, far too few consumers complain enough about debt collectors crossing over-stepping there bounds, usually because they are intimidated and embarrassed about their dilemma. It has been my experience that the average debt collector is male, has a large ego, bounces around from job to job, have a lot of debt themselves, suffer from low self-esteem and enjoy using the telephone as an instrument of empowerment. The see themselves in a position to take advantage of those they deem weaker, in an effort to overcome their own insecurities. They normally will talk-over any issues you may have, threaten and intimidate you, lie, misrepresent themselves, abuse, annoy and attempt to push you as far as they can if the rewards to them of self-gratification and money are realized. The spectrum of collectors I've encountered over the years, in dealing with literally thousands of them have ranged from the low percentage of honest and hard working (20-30%), to the average of deadbeat scum that is either just out of, or heading back into a jail cell (70-80%). Collecting is male dominated and because of the shortage of skilled workers, agencies are hiring anyone who can walk and chew gum to make their calls. Social skills, education and career orientation are NOT normally the prerequisites for a debt collector â?? money beggar position. . From standard phrases such as: "what is your intent" to "I'm going to recommend that our client take immediate legal action against you." The innocent unsuspecting consumer feels threatened and even terrorized by the antics of terrorist debt collectors. The really bad ones will call you at work, violate third party disclosure, or worse, in order to intimidate or threaten you with arrest or wage garnishment if they don't have the money today! They persuade you to pay off old debts using your new credit card, via Western Union wire transfers, bank drafting, debit checks and cash. They will tell you your credit report will be clean and your soul will be saved fro hell, (halleluiah!) if you just send them the.... $$ MONEY $$. The National Consumer Law League, (NCLC) and the National Association of Consumer Advocates, (NCLC) assist attorneys across the country in pursuing agencies and collectors who violate the law and your rights. Collectors are learning that the phone name they use and the perceived anonymity of hiding behind a telephone can easily be overcome with the modern technology of today and investigative techniques. Some collectors are learning first-hand that they too, can be charged with making threats over the phone and that their employers do not provide bail money, or legal representation as a perk. Creditors are increasingly becoming less tolerant of agencies that allow abuse and will drop those that don't comply. I urge you to complain about collector abuse by contacting the FTC, the American Collectors Association, the original creditor and your state bar association (against attorneys), or myself if you feel your rights are being violated. There is a nationwide group of professional consumer attorneys, skilled in debt collection laws that passionately defend the rights of consumers against these illegal collectors. No consumer should ever suffer abuse from a debt collector, the laws WILL protect you! Include this in your val demands. LOL B.
Great stuff, Butch. Several years ago, I was dealing with dunning calls. Being aware of the psychology, I engaged in turning the tables. On one occasion, a collector played the "put a debtor on hold, pickup and attempt to box them in" game. Translation: He asked what I intended to do about the alleged debt and paused. Human nature being what it is, people aren't comfortable by such silence. Remaining calm, I said nothing. After what was probably a longer than usual pause, he repeated the question. I replied, "You're the one doing all the talking." At that point, he went into hostility mode, and I simply hung up. So much for his script. He called right back and began screaming into the phone. I hung up, called his manager and reported the incident. The manager apologized, assured me I would never hear from the agency again, and immediately sent me a fax stating such. Today, I would assume the role of the unsophisticated consumer, in the hopes he/she/it would violate the FDCPA. Although I'll miss the old way of handling collectors, hammering them in a court of law might be more enjoyable.
Interesting reading. I wasn't aware you could inform a collection activity that you did not want to deal with them, you would go through the original creaditor. Does this actually work? I have a medical collection agency that receives payment from the Doctors office that I pay each month. The CA reported 8 items on my credit report incorrectly, I had paid them all! Those are off my report after complaining to the BBB. But I do have this one remaining item. I would love to be able to tell the CA I won't deal with you anymore, I'll make my final payment to the Doctor this month. I can't figure out why the Doctor sends the payment to the CA anyhow, I have made payments on time for over 2 years.
YES!!!! I have done it with cc charge offs, cell phone write offs. With the cell phone account, they did not even return the account to the OC, they just dropped it. I wonder if you send a request to deal with the OC to the CA, and they cease communication with you but turn the account over the another CA, are they in the wrong?
Very interesting indeed. NEVER let a collector intimidate you with talk about what is fair, moral, right, etc. Yes, you should pay your debts, but once they are assigned to collection agencies, it's too late to pay your debts out of principle. In fact, doing so would help support the corrupt collection system, and large groups of parasitic, transient individuals who have no principles themselves. Pay as little as you can to collection agencies, and always assert your legal rights. You may owe the original creditor something, but you don't owe the collection agency a thing.