Ok, I found out that the bank did close our bank account but when we went to cure the balance, they reopened it no problem. They also made the bank cards inactive and no online account info is available. I searched old posts on this issue to find an answer to my questions but came up empty. I am scared to order a report. They ask for so much more info than the Big 3 like DL numbers and such. If there isn't a report, will I create one by inquiring? Also, do I have to give them all of the info that they ask for? Thanks guys for any responses.
I'm sorry I don't know the whole story. What is Chexsystems holding you back from? Opening another account? Charlie
I'm not trying to do anything yet thank goodness. I was concerned about my bank account being closed and being reported to chexsystems because of a negative balance. When the account was reopened, the bank told us that it hadn't been closed after all even though we received a letter saying it was going to be. In updating our records, we went online to check transactions and we couldn't access the account. I called the bank and they said that the account had been closed. Well, now I wonder if the account had been reported and if we have a file which would prevent us from opening accounts and writing checks. I just hope I don't have a report. And I don't want to start on either. I'm just hoping someone can clue me in.
milkmom, I believe you would indeed have a report with Chex, however, this does not mean it's negative. When your current bank opened up your checking account they (like most banks) pulled a chex report on you just to make sure you didn't have any negative info being reported from another bank such as say for instance, NSF, unsatisfactory handling, etc.
Dear Milkmom, First, it is my impression that if you have an account listing with CS it is negative. What you want is for them to come back and say "we have nothing on file for you". They only list negative stuff. So no report is good news. 2nd, No I would not give them all this inconsequential information. The CRA's I've checked with like to *try* to get all the info they can too, but here's how I do it. Full Name, Current Address, Social Sec #, Date of birth, copy of my SS card. Then I take my request to my bank and have the signature notorized. They'll usually do that free if you're a client. You now have created a properly formulated request with a substantiated signature. There would no grounds to refuse you. Yes - if you inquire about your report, assuming there is one, it would create an inquiry. The only other way is to have someone else check for you (by applying for a bank acct) which would also create an inq., but it would be from somebody else. If an inq. is on your file best it be from you. So - Don't be afraid. Best to lean into our problems. The CA's are right in one regard; "Ignoring our problems won't make them go away." lol Hope this helps.
milkmom, Just go to their online site and request a report, they'll send it by mail. They ask if you were denied, the date and where. Sassy
fwiw years ago (I have utterly no idea what the case is today) chex used to cross reference only SSNs. Since the goal was to not have any file at all, this was the one occasion dyslexic debtors were at a substantial advantage.
Don't know if this will be of any help BUT-when I called for my Cheksystems report I did give them all of the required info over the phone and they sent it to me. I knew that I had a file w/ them b/c when I opened a bank acct the bank checked this system in front of me. I received the report in the mail. No negatives on it. Just my info as reported by the bank when I opened the acct. (SS # & DL) and the date when I placed my last order of checks and the starting # of them. It also showed another acct that I opened in 2000. Nothing bad on there but I just wanted to see it for myself b/c you never know and I wanted to dispute if necessary. I guess what I am trying to say is that you probably have a file w/ them anyway and that having one doesn't necessarily mean anything negative.
Yea Mandy, That could well be the case today. Years ago you wanted a NO HIT when you looked for a file.
I think that I remember that. Maybe it's changed from "no hit" to no negative infomation. I think the system comes back w/ something like approved or declined now.
I have found a way around Chex. I have a employee that has a Chex negative. Since, Chex goes by SSN I got him a state ID card. He went to the bank and had no problem opening an account. Charlie
Thank you guys for the info. I hope that I don't have any negatives on there. I have a feeling that I do though because the account was closed after all. I can't get any answers that would confirm or deny that. In the letter they sent, they said that they may report it just like they may close the account. Their mays seem to turn out to be positives. Oh well, I am going to order it and I'll keep you updated.
I'm sorry. I meant to say that they go by DL and if you get a state ID that will bypass their system. Sorry about the misinformation. I thought one thing and typed another. Charlie
Thank you. This info will come in handy, very handy!!! I think I will go out and get a state id ASAP for backup!!
Nup, they can't use your SS#, same as it's not allowed to be written on the face of your check by clerks -- it's protected financial information. That's why they always ask for driver's license as ID at checkout stands and one of the best reasons for not using your social as your driver's license number. Chex does list your social on the report though and a verification that it's a valid number from whatever state, same as you can find online. Also, watch where you order checks from, that's where Chex REALLY makes it's money, in tracking and selling you checks, numbering, check writing and collections. They are Deluxe and all subsidiaries and also collected with E-Loan. Usually the banking institution using the system also has a deal with them to promote their checks :-( Amazing it is, the foresight and shrewdness of the business. Sassy
sorrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyy charlie, LOL, VERY great to hear about your employee, btw !!!!!!! I'm glad that worked out for both of you, definately makes life easier. Sassy
You know, I had wondered if that would work. Don't they still get a "hit" on you, though, as long as the SS# matches? How many items must they match in order to get a hit or not? For instance, what if your SS# is the same, but address and DL# have changed? Will they still get a "hit"?
...and one of the best reasons for not using your social as your driver's license number. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF YOUR STAE HAS SS# AS DRIVER'S LICENSE #...DEMAND THEY USE A "FAKE" #...THERE IS NO LAW THAT SAY THEY HAVE TO USE THE SS# AS THE LICENSE #!!!